Page 61 of Cruel Is My Court

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But she didn’t shy away, didn’t back down, only squared her shoulders. “I know what happens in that prison, Tavion. And I will not leave Raz down there any longer than I have to.”

“You can’t get him out. Not alone.” I didn’t know why I was arguing with her when I should be carting her out of the godsforsaken city.

“I know.” Her smile turned serpentine. “Which is why I’m glad you’re here. Because it’s not just Raz we’re going after.” Shadows darkened her eyes. “I’m going to find my mother. And when I do, if she’s still alive, I’m taking her out of here and back to…well, wherever we go after this.”

She wasn’t even done and I was shaking my head. “No. Not happening. Do you have any idea of the amount of security around the prison? Around a prisoner as important as Raziel? If Adele is even still alive…” I shook my head again, struggling for the right words. I didn’t want to crush Anaria’s hopes, but she had to know how pointless this was.

“You made me leave Ember behind”—her eyes narrowed—“and then I had to kill her.”

The accusation was a hammer blow, the coldness in her eyes sending a wave of frost over me as she held my gaze. “I didn’t have a choice that day. But I have one now, and I will not leave my friends…my family here to rot while I spend my days free as a bird.”

With a bitter smile, Anaria tipped her chin higher, every inch a queen, even in that dirty servant’s uniform. She’d always be a queen to me, no matter what she wore, the finest gowns or the poorest rags.

“Slink back to Zorander, but I’m staying. Iwillfind Raz, Iwillfind my mother, and Iwillwalk out of here with both of them. With or without you.”

The wolf’s stillness crept over me; my heart cracked with shame. That she’d ever think I’d leave her here alone to face this by herself…

Even as my jaw tightened, I forced a mocking smile on my face as I bowed. “I’ve done enough slinking today, thank you very much. Tell me what mischief you are planning, princess, and I shall endeavor to make all your wishes come true.”

Anaria angled her head, but for the first time in weeks, some of that distrust slid off her face replaced by something that looked a lot like hope.

“How well do you know the prison?”

“As well as I know Nightcairn Castle.” I put my hand over my heart and mocked a bow.

She dipped her head, her eyes so vividly green they glowed. “I was really hoping you’d say that.”

“But you don’t just walk into the prison like it’s a fucking garden party. And if the guards don’t recognize me—and they won’t—I’ll end up in a cell right beside you.” The fear twisting my chest was excruciating, but the determination on her face only grew fiercer.

The steel of a queen, of someone who would take this world and bend it to her will, much like she’d bent me.

I fucking loved that look.

Loved to see that grit, that fierceness explode out of her like a raging storm, even though her anger was all too often directed at me. But like a bucket of icy water, everything dissolved into fear when she held her hands out to me.

“You’ll need a prisoner, then. I suppose you’ll have to arrest me, just like old times.” She held out her hands. Beneath her resolve, her eyes twinkled, but there was a flash of fear, too.

“I’d think that would make your day, Commander.”



Icouldn’t believe Tavion was here.

Couldn’t quite reconcile the swell of relief and even joy rushing through me, just knowing he’d come. Even when his face wasn’t his own, his smile revealing Caladrian too sharp, shredding teeth.

Nor could I believe he agreed to help with my admittedly foolish quest to free both Raz and Adele from what had to be one of the most secure prisons in existence. Something told me when Zor found out, both our arses would be in slings.

Still, this was more than I could have hoped for, and some of my simmering resentment towardmy husbandfaded away when he bowed before me, unrecognizable with his murky eyes and unremarkable face. I didn’t know how long this truce of ours would last, but if Tavion helped rescue my mother and Raz, then I would certainly owe him…something.

“Who are you supposed to be, anyway?” There was a fancy crest on the chest of his uniform, metal pins on his shoulders, but I didn’t know what any of those symbols meant.

“Just another mid-level grunt. Even in war, there are always a few guards left scattered through the Citadelle, though the king’s elite guard is stationed one floor above.” He jerked his head toward the ceiling, and I lost my breath.

“The Fae King is…where?”

“Directly above you, princess.” Tavion’s face hardened. “Let’s hope we don’t run into him, his guards, or anyone else who questions either of us.”
