Page 82 of Cruel Is My Court

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Then Zor grasped my arm, and we were flying, the world a nauseous blur until I stumbled in the dirt, Zor shoving me to the ground between the empty tents as the enormous cloud of Reapers streamed overhead like a thunderhead.

Zor and I crawled toward the healer’s tent, then Tavion burst through the flaps, Adele in his arms.

“Get down,” Zor hissed, yanking Tavion to the ground. “Don’t move.”

Tristan crept out, leading Anaria by the hand, his eyes widening at the sight above. “Fucking gods, where did they all come from?”

“The palace,” I murmured, reaching for Anaria. Not until I had her in my arms did my pounding heart slow. “We’re going to get you out of here. They’ll focus on the men running and give chase. We stay still and quiet, they won’t hunt us.”

One by one we ducked back into the healer’s tent.

We wouldn’t be able to hide for long.

Our only hope was to move fast while they were focused on the unfortunate soldiers streaming across the flatlands toward home. I saw the absolute rage on Zorander’s face he couldn’t hide and knew exactly what he was feeling.

I gripped his arm and shook him. “This isn’t your fault.”

He yanked away. “We need horses,” Zor muttered, then he looked to where his men were being…Slaughtered wasn’t the right word, because what was happening was far worse than death.

Tristan nodded, but his narrowed eyes met mine. Horses would be a stretch.

Getting us all out of here alive…would be nearly impossible.

“What’s the king after?” Tristan asked cautiously. “I mean, what’s the point of turning his own soldiers into monsters?”

Anaria’s eyes met mine as she wrapped Adele tightly in Tavion’s heavy cloak, pinning it beneath her slender throat with shaking fingers. This had to bring back every memory of Ember’s transformation and death, and I hated that it did.

Tavion gathered Adele back up in his arms with more gentleness than I ever thought he was capable of.

“We took Carex’s army.” Zorander lowered his voice as another swarm of Reapers floated overhead, their shadows outlined against the canvas roof of the tent. “He’s creating a new one. He does not care what his forces are made up of, so long as he controls them.”

I nodded. “Chances are those Reapers are looking for us.” I met Anaria’s wide eyes. “If they find us, there won’t be any escape. Even the Oracle won’t be able to save us from what those creatures will turn us into.”

We’d never find enough horses in time, and from the screaming outside of these tents, that cloud was getting closer. “Tristan, find yourself a horse. The fastest one you can find.” Tristan disappeared.

“We have to split up.” I crouched down until I was even with Adele. “Can you hang onto Tavion, like you did before? Allow him to carry you to safety?”

She managed a faint nod, pulling the cloak tighter around her. “Tavion will carry Adele and head north to the tunnels. Tristan’s with you. Take Adele to your father’s. Zor and I will take Anaria to the North Gate and then to Solarys.”

Tavion’s jaw clenched, but he didn’t argue.

And yes, some fucking petty part of me was doing this to separate the bastard from Anaria, but splitting up made the most sense, so my choices were completely justified, despite my selfish motives.

“Those are my men out there.” Zor’s voice broke. “I cannot leave my soldiers behind, not with…”

“There are no horses,” I told him steadily. “We have no other way out of here.Anariahas no way out except for you, Zor. Onlyyoucan get her out of here.” Leaving your men behind was a shite choice, one a commander never wanted to make, but I’d be godsdamned if I’d let Anaria be taken over by a fucking Reaper, and this was the only way we could save her.

Save all of us.

I looked at Tavion. “Can you avoid the Reapers if you head north? Once you’re across the flatlands, you’ll have to pass close to the city.”

He scowled but nodded. “If we leave now, maybe. The Reapers will stay focused on our army and the injured on the battlefield. Once we’re past that, we’ll use the forest as cover. We can reach the tunnel in a couple hours.”

“I’ll carry Raz and Anaria to the eastern wall. I have enough magic left for that.” Zor clasped Tavion’s hand, then Tristan ducked back inside the tiny tent, his face as white as death.

“I found a horse. That cloud…They’re almost here. We have to move.” Tristan squatted beside me, his quiver half empty, his bow slung across his back. But arrows would do nothing against the foe we now faced, only magic would kill them and Anaria was completely out.

If any of us were infected…
