Page 89 of Cruel Is My Court

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I was pleading, cursing, begging.

I didn’t even know what I was asking for, only that this pleasure was too raw, too all-consuming, and I wanted more.

I wantedeverything.

This time, when his darkness and my stars crashed together, I swore the universe had been reborn inside of me, a galaxy of supernovas that burned bright in an endless midnight sky. My nails raked down his back, deep enough to draw blood, but I couldn’t stop. I needed something to ground me, something to hold me to this world.

“Fuck, Anaria,” Zor roared in my ear, his hips slapping against mine one final time before he went still, neck muscles straining as he came, his cock pumping inside me like he’d never stop.

He was fucking beautiful. Power made flesh.An ancient war god, I thought, though I didn’t know where that came from.

He went down on one elbow and rolled off me, collapsing to the bed, his legs still tangled with mine. I met his half-opened eyes with a smile, which was all I could manage.

Gods, just breathing took too much effort right now.

“Did you feel that?” Zor whispered, his brow scrunching. “It felt like…some sort of magic.”

I meant to saywhat kind of magic, but it came out, “Whtkndfmgc?”

Then Raziel nibbled down the side of my neck, and I closed my eyes, turned my face toward him, and let him kiss me into oblivion.

He kissed me until my heart slowed down, my breathing growing steady. Until I was a pile of soft clay, ready to be molded into whatever he wanted me to be.

“Let me make love to you,” he murmured, and I sighed as he sank into me, the feel of him inside me familiar and comforting, like I was coming home.

He moved gently, tenderly, every kiss a promise of a future, every stroke of his cock teasing some response—a shudder of pleasure, a quickening of my pulse, a small, low moan.

Our intimacy was so natural, so second nature we knew what the other needed without having to ask. I was ready for his kiss when it came. He moaned when I dragged my nails down his back.

And when we came, we climaxed together, as if this was the only way we could ever finish.

There was no crashing of magic this time…but there was something.

Something dark and glittering, dangerous and beckoning, so deep inside of us I couldn’t quite reach it. But it was there, just the same.

And then the feeling was gone, and I held Raz’s sweat-slicked body in my arms as the three of us fell asleep in a tangle of legs and arms and blankets and hearts entwined together.

* * *

Zor was alreadyawake by the time I opened my eyes, head propped up on his hand, watching me like he’d been doing that for hours.

“What time is it?” I asked, because while last night had been amazing, right now I had to pee, and Raziel was squashed against my back, snoring like a bear.

“Just after seven.” His appreciative gaze wandered down my body, and I blushed, until his eyes snagged on the black mark running down my side. “I didn’t know you had that.” His face darkened, his expression something I couldn’t decipher.

“It’s not a big deal. You have one, too.”

Zor’s mark was on his wrist, a raised, circular dot, like the one on my side. But from that mark ran a tendril of black, as thin as a tree root, disappearing into his armpit.

“Mine’s far larger today than it was a few days ago, but not nearly as big as yours, Anaria.”

I looked at my side and gasped.

The lightning bolt stretched down over the top of my thigh, crackling fingers spread out over my stomach and the front of my thigh.

“Holy shite,” I breathed. “That’s awfully fucking big.”

This shouldn’t be a surprise. What was a surprise? Raziel and Tavion had been nearby when I’d cast my magic at the Citadelle. Raz had beeninsidethe cloud of power, but Zor…he’d been way down on the battlefield, far away from me.
