Page 25 of Eight Dates

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Ben opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, a glass worth of tepid liquid hit him full in the face. He sucked in a shocked breath, licking his lips and tasting tap water, and Jerome was staring at him with a shocked expression.

Ben blinked, trying to understand what the fuck was going on.

“Youasshole,” said a voice on his right.

Ben’s head whipped over, and he saw Nova standing there holding an empty glass, his eyes blazing with anger. “Nova?”

“I can’tbelieveyou’d do this to me,” Nova said, his voice rising above the crowd. “I seriously cannot believe you’d fuck me so hard I saw God, then show up here the next night on a date with someone else,” Nova hissed. “I thought you said I was special!”

Ben swallowed heavily. It was absolutely no time at all to be thinking about Nova getting fucked that hard, but his head was a twisted mess. “I’m…sorry?”

“You fucking should be. You don’t get to literally rearrange my insides like that and then move on. That’s cruel, Ben. I might not be able to get it up for another man ever again, and you move on to someone new like I mean nothing?”

“Um,” Ben said. His gaze shifted over to Jerome, who was pale. “How can I make it up to you?”

“You can make good on your promise. You said I wouldn’t be able to walk straight, but here I am. And it’s not easy,” Nova said, leaning in. “I can still feel your massive dick, but you still have to fulfill your promise.”

Ben cleared his throat, his face burning…but not with humiliation. He caught a glimmer of humor in Nova’s eyes, and it was obvious he was enjoying this. “So you want me to make it up to you right now?”

“Yes.” Nova’s eyes cut to Jerome, and he scoffed. “You ditched me for a pity date? I don’t think so. You’re taking me out to your car right now, and you’re going to fuck me in half.”

“Excuse you,” Jerome started, but Nova cut him off by grabbing Ben’s arm and dragging him away from the table.

Ben half expected to be pulled into the office, but instead, Nova opened a side door that led to a set of stairs. Glancing over his shoulder, Ben looked at his friend, feeling a little concerned. “Uh…”

“Trust me,” Nova said. “I don’t actually expect you to fuck me in half.”

Ben whirled back around before Nova could see his face explode into a furiously red blush. His knees were shaking a little by the time he made it to the door, and then he held his breath when Nova reached past him and opened it.

Frigid air hit him full in the face.

“Oh my God. Are you trying to give me hypothermia?” Ben asked, his teeth immediately chattering.

Nova laughed and shrugged out of his zippered hoodie, draping it over Ben’s shoulders. “No. We’re going over to those patio heaters,” he said, pointing to a small row of them, “and we’re going to sit on those cushions and have hot chocolate.”

Ben’s eyes began to water a little as he nestled into the fabric that smelled so much like Nova, but he told himself it was just the wind as he headed to the big cushions. He was startled by just how warm the air was by the heaters. The chilly wind still managed to rush across his cheeks, but it was bearable.

“Do you serve people up here?” he asked as he tried to get comfortable so low to the ground.

Nova grinned as he flopped, all long-limbed and graceful, and nestled into his own cushion like a cat. “Hell no. This is my safe space. I don’t use it a lot in the winter for obvious reasons, but I don’t let just anyone hang out up here.”

Ben smiled softly, his heartbeat calming now that he was sitting somewhere away from Jerome’s babbling and the noise of the bar. “I feel special.”

Nova grinned back at him. “You are.” His words felt almost like a physical touch, and Ben shivered a little as he watched him reach beside his cushion and pull out an older-looking camping thermos he was a thousand percent sure his dad had once owned.

He had to-go coffee cups in his other hand, and he poured one, handing it off to Ben before pouring one for himself. “It’s oat milk,” Nova said, like Ben was supposed to understand why.

Ben frowned. “Okay?”

Nova sat up a little and gave Ben a look. “You were eating those steak bites at the table, so. You know. Milk and meat?”

Bursting into laughter, Ben had to physically stop himself from pulling Nova close and hugging him. “That is so sweet, but I don’t keep kosher. If I did, I wouldn’t eat here. No matter how nice you are. Or how good your latkes taste.”

Nova’s lips dropped into a pout. “Seriously? Why not?”

“You’re not certified, so unless you sold prepackaged kosher meals—which, by the way, are absolutely fucking disgusting—I couldn’t. But luckily for us both, I’m not.” He tipped his cup up in a cheers, then took a sip and smiled when the flavor hit his tongue. “This is actually better than regular milk though.”

Nova laughed. “I know. It wasn’t exactly a hardship to make it dairy-free.” He sipped his own drink, then looked over his shoulder before bolting to his feet. “Do you hear that?”
