Page 57 of Eight Dates

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He felt like he was dying as pleasure wrapped around him.

Ben was vaguely aware of his cock spilling, of the way Nova fucked him harder, pressing his entire body into the sheets. He could only just make out the stuttered groan from Nova’s chest as his cock thickened, buried as deep in Ben’s ass as it could go.

Then there were lips—tender kisses laid over the top of his shoulder, up the side of his neck, then ghosting over his lips. Ben was still struggling to breathe, but he finally unclenched his fingers and brought his aching arms around Nova, holding him as close as his abused muscles would allow.

“Tell me you’re okay,” Nova said, still sounding breathless.

This time, Ben laughed. The feeling in his chest had no name, but it didn’t matter. It belonged to Nova. “I’m okay.” He was so much better than that, but it was enough to say it.

Nova went boneless, his weight on Ben almost unbearable, but after a short beat, he rolled over, and his cock slipped out with a soft squelch. Ben winced, every single muscle inside and outside of his body sore, but the feeling was delicious. He stretched his arms over his head, then carefully rolled over to face his lover.

There was hesitation on Nova’s face, and Ben felt a sudden and profound sense of panic. “Was I too much?”

Nova blinked at him. “Too mu—baby.” His voice was low and ragged. “Is that a serious question?”

Ben shrugged, glancing away, though he didn’t have it in him to pull back from Nova’s warm body. “You seem a little shaken.”

“I am. Christ, sweetheart,” Nova said. He dragged his hand down his face, then shook his head. “That was…I don’t even have words for how I feel, but all of it is good. Okay? All of it.”

Ben swallowed heavily as he finally looked back into Nova’s eyes. There was nothing there but honesty. “It’s never been like that for me.”

Letting out a strained laugh, Nova surged in and laid a small kiss on the corner of his jaw. “Oh, my sweet, sweet man. It’s never been like that for me either. Not with anyone else. It’s just you.”

Ben flushed brightly, feeling like he wanted to say words it was far too soon for. They were both overwhelmed. He opened his mouth to say something to break the slight tension between them, but he was immediately interrupted by a yawn.

Nova laughed, cupping his cheek, and he leaned in and stole another kiss. “I’m fucking shattered.”

“Mm,” Ben said. What he wanted more than anything was to just lie there and talk all night—maybe watch the sunrise in Nova’s arms—but he wasn’t going to last. His eyes were heavy and burned with the need for sleep.

“I can still stay?”

“I’d fall apart if you left now,” Ben admitted. He turned his head and carefully cupped Nova’s cheek. “Please don’t go.”

Nova grinned at him and nuzzled into his palm. Somewhere off in the distance, as Ben faded toward sleep, he heard Nova whisper, “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”


Ben wokein the morning with an almost violent start. His sleep had been heavy but full of tension, and he gasped on the edge of a fading nightmare involving Nova, and his ex, and probably several of the guys he dated—though it was all starting to blur together now that he was awake.

For a wild, terrible moment, he thought he was alone. Then a warm arm snaked over his waist, and Nova’s rumpled head appeared from where he’d pulled the blankets up all the way to his brows. His eyes were bleary and slightly crossed as he blinked, clearly trying to wake himself up.

“What’s wrong?”

Ben swallowed heavily, then turned his face away to avoid breathing sourly into Nova’s space. “Nothing. Just…thought maybe you were gone.”

“Horses, remember,” Nova slurred, dropping his face back down. He yawned, and Ben heard a faint popping sound in the man’s jaw. “You always awake this early?”

Ben laughed as he settled back down into the pillows and used Nova’s arm to yank him closer. “Yes. I usually have an eight a.m. class.”

“That should be a fucking hate crime,” Nova grumbled. He pushed his face against Ben’s shoulder and rubbed it back and forth. “Any chance you’ll sleep longer?”

Ben leaned over and pressed a kiss to Nova’s temple. “No, but I’d like you to. I lied last night about having stuff for breakfast, so I’m going to hop over to the store.”

Nova grumbled and pulled the blankets tighter around him. “I’ll get up and go.”

“Sleep,” Ben whispered. He sat up and gently petted his fingers through Nova’s hair until his body relaxed, and a few moments later, his breathing was even and slow.

Ben took his time climbing from the bed, relishing every burn in his muscles and the sting in his ass. He was sticky in places he didn’t really want to be sticky, but he wasn’t going to chance waking Nova up with a shower, so he crept to the guest bathroom and gave himself a scrub-down with a washcloth and some of the crappy, perfumed hand soap his mom had given him last time he was at her place.
