Page 25 of Sleigh My Name

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I just hope I’m not too late.

It takes me more time than I thought to pull everything together, but by the time I make it back to Carter’s, the snow has begun falling again and his driveway is covered. My driver doesn’t even bother pulling into the drive, instead stopping at the most inconvenient part of the sidewalk. I can’t blame him, though—the snow is pretty deep.

It’s a win-lose battle as I try to pull my suitcase up the driveway and balance all my bags. Every step I make it closer to Carter’s front door, the more snow piles in my direct path. I’m not even halfway, yet I’m in a full-body sweat.

“Where is a runaway sleigh when you need one?” I grumble out to the universe. I need some divine intervention if I want to make it to his door by sundown.

“What the hell are you doing?”

His voice comes out of nowhere. Blinking away the snowflakes that have fluttered down on my lashes, I squint at the figure near the door. Carter.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m clearly dying on your driveway from exhaustion.”

“That mouth,” I hear him mumble, shaking his head. “I’m serious, Penny,” he calls out louder. “What are you doing here?”

Letting go of my suitcase handle and gently placing my bags down at my feet, I shrug my shoulders.

“I’m here to say sorry. And that you were right.”

He doesn’t move. Leaning against the shovel’s handle, he waits for me to continue.

“I was scared. I’m still scared,” I admit, needing him to know that. “But I don’t want to miss out on something that could be life-changing. And I think you’re that for me, Carter.”

He still doesn’t move or say anything, but I swear I can see a small twitch in his cheek. The silence between us has me getting uncomfortable.

“I love you, okay, you big idiot! I love you! And even though I’m scared everything will change, I also don’t want things to stay the same. Not after last night. I love the way I feel with you. I love your house and your hot chocolate addiction. I love that you waited and gave me time to figure shit out, but I don’t want you to wait anymore. Because I love you, too, and I’m ready to take a shot at us.”

Finally,finally, he moves. Throwing the shovel to the side, he runs for me. His arms are wide open, and I walk right into them.

“Jeez,” he says into the arch of my neck as he rocks us back and forth in a tight hug. “You don’t need to be so dramatic about it.” He laughs when I try to pinch him. When his head pops up and our eyes connect, he gives me the widest smile. “I love you, Penny. Whenever you get scared, I’m here to hold your hand.”

“I know,” I tell him, believing him with all my heart.

“So, what’s all this?” he asks as he hauls all my bags over his shoulder and lifts my suitcase out of the snow.

“It’s all my Christmas stuff. I thought, if you’re okay with it, we could spend Christmas together.”

Placing everything down in the front hallway, Carter turns back to me and gently cups my cheek. Slowly, and with the biggest smile on his face, he bends to kiss me.

“Nothing would make me happier.”

Our kiss is interruptedby the dogs going nuts at the sound of a ringing cell phone. After a big sigh, Carter reaches for his phone but doesn’t let me go as he answers it.

“Hey, Gigi. Can I call you ba—What? Kidnapped? What the hell happened?”

Oh no. At least between Carter’s sister and my family, there will never be a dull moment.

The End.
