Page 5 of Ink Me Bunny

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I can’t ruin this with misunderstandings.

Why did he have to contact me? Somedays I just wish he didn’t.

Ugh, Jamey. It’s all because of you. You always pushed me to chase my dreams.

“Follow your instincts and be a version of yourself you’re proud of. I love you, Len. I always have your back. And always will.”

I came here because of him, he knew how to push my buttons. How to get me going and live my life the way I choose to live it.

I take a few steps toward the shop’s door, the handle is staring back at me while I take a deep breath, exhale it, and swallow.

Inching forward, I muster my self-assured attitude and stride inside.

You can do this, Lenny!


Mydreamwastorun away from home, travel around the world, and spread my ink anywhere I could.

For almost two decades, I fly from city to city, coast to coast, one state to another continent—pretty much anywhere I get an invite, and I get a lot of those.

I’ve been through the wringerisan understatement, but despite the obstacles I had to face from a young age, I’ve made a name for myself in this business.

A big lesson that I had to undergo after certain events occurred in my teen years was that you can learn from anyone. So before you judge, disregard—take notes.

It applies to every aspect of my life.

Masses of people went under my expert hand and I got the chance to bring them happiness—even if it’s short-lived—it is still a beautiful thing to witness on its own.

I push the key into the door lock of my tattoo shop at a corner of a bustling street. I spent some time in Las Vegas, going to my family and friend’s annual biker’s meetup, but this year my mind just wasn’t there so I quit early.

Now, I’m back home in California where the rays of sunshine warm my aching back and shoulder blades and the salty odor of the ocean engulfs me like a tidal wave.

Today is special since my new apprentice is supposed to swing by. I’ve been following a promising young woman on social media for over a year—something about her captivated my attention.

“Remember your life is a gift and it can be taken away in a matter of seconds. So go out there and live.”A post she shared eight months ago had completely stalled me. And it has been a hot minute since I rode a motorcycle and encountered the experience.

Right after that post, I started messaging her, a reckless move on my part but I couldn’t help myself. I usually observe and stay away, yet this time, I couldn’t. She made me curious.

She worked in another shop as an apprentice for two years and I heard nothing but raving feedback about her, hence why, I was ecstatic when she sent her application.

Lennon Quinn: I wanted to show you the design I came up with based on what we talked about, are you free?

I knew she applied for the job here and I didn’t want things to feel weird between us because of a situation I got us into. Talking like we did for hours over the course of six months meant something. But my last relationship still plays a significant part in why I avoid relationships.

So when the complications rose to the surface, I pulled out the plug immediately—that was two months ago.

My sneakers squeak when I cross the maple hardwood floor, turning the lights on, I crack my neck in the process.

As I connect my phone to the speakers Alive by Pearl Jam blasts the moderate space of my shop.

I can’t function without the incessant beat of the music in my head. Music magically translates every emotion I carry, unspoken words, dreams, and gives me refuge.

I turn away from my desk at the exact moment a young woman in a white t-shirt, ripped jeans, and pink backpack walks in the door.

I’m stuck like a sixteen-year-old who has never seen a woman in his life. Parted lips, no blinking, swallowing hard—the whole shebang.

Shaking my head, I pull myself out of the momentary trance.
