Page 4 of Twisted Union

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I step out of the dressing room, bracing myself for Mom to say no. But she’s not even looking at me. She’s too busy with the twins, both of whom are in the middle of a hysterical crying fit. She’s bouncing Lucia on her knee while rocking Luca back and forth in his carrier. Cecilia and Mia are still looking at dresses, not even paying attention, while Francesca is sitting in a corner looking at her phone, probably reading a book.


She glances my way briefly. “Gemma, take Lucia for me.” She places the baby in my arms before I can stop her. “I just need a break.”

Lucia cries harder the moment I pick her up. Other women in the store shoot annoyed glances my way. “Mind your business,” I snap at a few of them. Which only makes them look more annoyed.

I hold Lucia an arm’s distance away from me. “Just stop crying, ok?”

She stops. I blink as a pleased smile crosses my face. Guess I have the magic baby touch after all.

… until Lucia burps and gets spit up on my dress. Shit. Then I smell something that makes me want to gag. She just pooped herself.

“Mom, Lucia needs to be changed.”

She waves a distracted hand at me as she comforts Luca. “Then go change her.”

“Mom, I’m in my dress. I haven’t bought it yet.”

She doesn’t even respond.

I mutter under my breath as I approach the cashier. “I want to buy this dress.” I nod down at myself. The cashier, a young woman with curly brown hair, looks me up and down.

“While you’re wearing it?”

“Yes. Can I buy it or not?”

“Of course.” Her eyes flit to Lucia, who’s squirming in my arms. “Cute baby. You seem young to be a mom.”

“Now, you’re judging my life choices? Just let me buy the dress.”

She flinches and quickly rings me up. I have to lean against the counter to give her access to the tag on the dress. This only makes Lucia cry harder before she throws up, getting vomit on the counter.

“Oh, uh …” The cashier backs away.

I dig a couple hundred dollars out of my purse and toss it on the counter. “There. Sorry about the mess.” I grab a handkerchief on the counter and wipe up the vomit. It’s only after I realize the handkerchief is a shirt. An incredibly tiny, silky shirt. And it belongs to the woman in line next to me who was just in the middle of buying it.

“What the hell?” she mutters, giving me the evil eye.

I smile at the cashier and toss down a couple more dollar bills. “I’ll buy that, too.”

The cashier nods and rings me up. Once I’m through that debacle, I hurry out of the store and find the nearest bathroom. Inside, I lay Lucia on the changing table and take off her diaper, getting a huge whiff of poop and gagging before I realize I don’t have any diapers with me. My mom has the diaper bag with her.

Great. Just freaking great.

This is why I was not meant to be a second mom to my siblings. I suck at it.

I dig my phone out and call Mom. “I need the diaper bag.”

“Where are you?”

I stifle a sigh. “I’m in the restroom outside the store. Lucia needed a changing.”

“I’ll just change her when I get home.”

“No. I already took her diaper off. She needs a new one. Bring the diaper bag, please.”

Mom sighs as if I’m being deliberately difficult. “I’m on my way.”
