Page 88 of Twisted Union

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“Don’t kill him,” I beg, looking at Marco. Between him and Franco, I know he has more of a heart. “Please, Marco. I don’t want Viktor to die.”

Marco frowns, looking confused. “What? Why not?”

“Because she’s as crazy as he is,” Franco says, tossing me to the side. I land on my hip with a hiss. Marco walks over to me, helping me up.

“Franco, you’re out of line hurting Gemma,” Marco says. “She’s your niece.”

Franco scoffs, pointing at Viktor. “She doesn’t want him to die. I can’t let her get in the way. It’s time to end this.” He pulls out his gun and points it at Viktor.

Using every last bit of strength and speed within me, I rush over to Viktor and throw myself over him. Viktor groans beneath me, letting me know he’s still alive. I have to stop myself from crying in relief at the sound.

Franco pauses. “Gemma, get up. Or I’ll have to shoot you, too.”

“No,” Marco growls, walking in front of me. “You will do no such thing, Franco. You are not killing Gemma.”

“She’s trying to save that monster!”

Marco raises his hands. “I will talk to her. Now, put your gun away.” Franco and Marco have a stare down for a moment before Franco mutters and shoves his gun back in his waistband.

Marco turns to me. “Gemma, what’s going on?”

I push Viktor’s hair out of his face, trying to get a better look at his injuries. “Viktor? Are you …” Clearly, he’s not ok. “Viktor?”

His eyes crack open and a slow smile spreads across his face, even though I can tell it hurts “Gemma? Are you really here, or am I hallucinating again?”

I kiss his cheek, making him wince. “I’m really here. I came to save you.”

“Huh. That’s ironic.”

“Shut up,” I say, only half-heartedly. “You’re not going to die on me, Viktor. I won’t allow it. I realized something this past week.”

“It better be good,” Viktor says, aiming for a cavalier tone and failing, “because I’m about ready to black out again, and I need something to keep me awake.”

“I missed you. I want you in my life. I want us to be together.”

Viktor’s eyes widen as much as they can since they’re almost welded shut. “Yeah?”


“Enough of this sap,” Franco hisses, pushing past Marco and wrenching me away from Viktor. “Get out of my way, Gemma.”

“No!” I shove Franco back. Marco stays out of it and watches. “I’m here to save Viktor. I’m telling you I don’t want him dead. He’s my husband. I’m a Moretti. He has a right to my family’s influence. Instead of treating him like the enemy, use him for good. He can help. Both of you.” I make a point at looking at both Franco and Marco.

Franco scoffs. “I doubt that. Viktor is the definition of chaotic. He’ll get all of us killed.”

“Not if you make a deal with him,” I say.

“A deal?” Franco sneers. “Viktor doesn’t make deals. He just likes to watch the world burn.”

“So, use him to your advantage. Since he and I are married, I’ll help keep Viktor in line. He doesn’t want me to get hurt. That’s why he let me come back home. Viktor won’t risk my safety again. He’ll make a deal that will benefit everyone. Our marriage will ensure peace. Isn’t that what you want?” When Franco doesn’t answer, I turn to Marco. “I know that’s what you want, Marco. You want to keep Emilia safe? This is the best way. Just make a deal with him. A contract that’s beneficial to everyone. And end this fight.”

“He’s hurt a lot of people, Gemma,” Marco reminds me. “Not just you but me, Emilia, and many other innocent people. He can’t go on living.”

“Yes, he can. You two know what it’s like to do what you have to do to gain power. Viktor is no different. I promise. Make a deal with him and make peace. Please, Marco. Viktor is my husband. I love him.” I can hear Viktor suck in a breath behind me. “Just let him go. He won’t hurt you or my family ever again. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Oh, come on,” Franco groans. “You can’t seriously be listening to this little girl! Marco. We have to kill Viktor.”

Marco stares at the ground for a moment. It’s a long tense moment. Finally, Marco lifts his head and nods. “If Viktor can promise to keep himself controlled, then … I’ll make a deal with him.”
