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I can’t help but sneak a peek at him. His hair is all messy and his eyes look tired, but somehow it makes him look even hotter. It makes me think of waking up together. Rolling over in bed and seeing his face on the pillow beside me.

This has to stop, Harmony. Now. Get yourself under control. Geez.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I take a sip of orange juice. This is so bad.

So so bad.

I can’t believe I kissed my stepbrother last night.

Whydid I do that?

What was I thinking?

“So, there’s a Christmas craft fair at the community center in town,” Mom says with a big smile while she drenches her pancakes in maple syrup. “I thought we could all go.”

“To a craft fair?” Brandon asks with a grimace. “I thought we could watch the football game this afternoon.”

“Oh,” Mom says, her excited smile fading.

“I’ll go with you, Mom,” I say. I could really use some time away from this house. I need to clear my head a little and that’s impossible with Mr. Chiseled Abs giving me those lustful eyes all day.

“I’ll go too,” August says.

“You don’t have to,” I quickly say, keeping my eyes on my plate. “You should stay here and watch football with your dad. I’d like to spend some one-on-one time with my mom. It’s long overdue.”

“We can go out for lunch after!” Mom says with an excited little clap.

I smile at her. I didn’t think she’d be so excited to have lunch with me. I was worried she was still mad.

“Just as long as you’re back for dinner,” Brandon says with a mischievous grin.

“What do you have planned?” Mom asks, looking excited.

Brandon leaps up and grabs some papers out of the cupboard. “A little surprise for my new family. Four tickets to the Christmas Orchestra tonight.”

“The Orchestra?” August says, looking at him funny. I can’t help but giggle at the look on his face.

“Yes! Two pairs of balcony seats. Unfortunately, there’s only two seats per balcony, so we’ll be separated, but we can go together and maybe grab some dinner in the city?”

“That sounds wonderful!” Mom says, clapping her hands together. “Thank you, Brandon!”

He gets a big smile on his face as she kisses him on the cheek.

My mind is swirling.

I’ll be in a private balcony with August?

In the dark?

I gulp as I look up at him.

He’s grinning from ear to ear.

* * *

“So, what do you think of August?” Mom asks as we wander through the crowded Christmas Craft Fair. “Oooh, I want to check out those wreaths over there. They’re adorable.”

“Umm,” I say as we make our way over. “He’s great.”
