Page 57 of Lincoln

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“Miss her?”

“Yeah. Castleview Cove has the best countryside roads. Sweeping curves, quiet cliffside, narrow hills. Perfect for throwing her around.” I think he’s missing home. “Nothing like your big freeways, and our rush hour consists of getting stuck behind a tractor. If that holds you up for at least five minutes, that’s your whole day ruined.” He huffs with fake annoyance, then smiles.

Five-minute rush hour sounds like paradise.

He pulls two coffees and two fresh ham and cheese omelets out of the bag.

“Where did you get these from?” They are still warm.

“Sunrise Snacks, around the corner.”

“I’ve never been there before.”

“You need to get out more. They do amazing pancakes and bacon. So good.” He goes all starry-eyed and proceeds to casually pull out knives and forks from the drawer he’s standing beside.

How did he know they were there?

“Oh, I checked before I left to make sure you had cutlery. You boss bitch types don’t tend to eat in your homes and work all the time, ain't that right?” He winks at me teasingly.

“Spot-on. You know me so well.”

Stunned, I stay seated as he plates up my omelet, places cream and sugar in front of me, and then serves me my breakfast.

He does the same for himself, then he settles beside me.

“I checked your fridge before I left. You had eggs and ham and milk in there so I am assuming you have no allergies.” He points at my omelet.

I haven’t picked up my silverware yet. I’m too stunned.

“Are you not eating?” He digs into his food.

“Eh, yeah. You are just, well, here, in my kitchen. You walked my dog, and you got me breakfast.” He’s looking after me. No one looks after me. I take care of myself. All the time.

“And…?” He’s confused by what I mean.

“You’re not like other guys.”

“I’m special.” He grins.

He’s not wrong.

I pour a little cream and two sugars into my coffee.

“I have a sweet tooth,” I defend myself.

“Who cares? Eat what you want. Do what you want. Life is too short.” He takes a mouthful of his black coffee. “Eat.” He points his fork at my food. “You’ll need all the strength you can get. I have plans to do naughty things to you all day. Once I pick up my car, drive back to my hotel, shower and come back here, that is. I hope you don’t have plans.”

I take a bite of my omelet, then another. Wow, that’s delicious. I may have found my new breakfast place.

We eat together comfortably, like we have been doing this for months.

How can I have only known him for a few short days?

“I have no plans today. Are you staying at a hotel?” On his file, it had a different address and I’m pretty sure Rio said he was renting his spare room.

“Yeah, just one of the cheaper ones. Do you know The Blue View?”

“I do.” And it’s around five hundred dollars a night. “For six more weeks?” My jaw falls to the floor. But he doesn’t pick up how completely shocked I am.
