Page 47 of Pyro

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Then there was the sudden shift in his demeanor that confounded his brothers, as they too struggled to understand. No longer broody and wound tightly, Chase was laughing again and even joking around with his brothers. While King and Gunner took it in stride, it was the other brothers who I caught looking at him curiously from time to time.

Even Bailey had a hard time adjusting to the new and improved Chase Montclair. But what stumped me the most was his attitude towards Cameron.

I got my brother could be a handful and could easily try the patience God gave a saint, but the man took it upon himself to spend more time with Cameron. While my brother soaked up all the attention, it left me bewildered, confused and worried. While I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, I wondered what brought on this change.

“You okay, Skylar?” Sarah asked, taking a seat next to me on one of the sofas in the main room as I watched Chase sit with my brother, helping him with some project for school.

It took a hot minute, but I finally had Cameron enrolled at the Rosewood Elementary School. Now everyone could actually take a breather and get stuff done without my brother underfoot. Not that they minded, apparently. Frank seemed to take Cameron’s absence the hardest. The big lovable teddy bear made damn sure he was at the clubhouse every day before the school bus dropped Cameron off.

“Don’t you find it odd that Chase is being nice?”

“How do you mean?”

“Look at him. When Chase first met Cameron, he couldn’t get away from him fast enough. Since then, Cameron has been a thorn in his side, and now I can’t pry those two apart. And Cameron has even stopped fighting me during bath time. What am I missing here?”

“Maybe they finally found some common ground.”

I chuckled. “There is no common ground with a six-year-old. No. Something else is going on here.”

“My advice, enjoy it while you can. This club has enough drama going on to last a lifetime. Now with the babies getting bigger and Bailey’s wedding to King right around the corner, I’d say this club has all the drama it can handle.”

“I’m not wearing that shit!” Bailey shouted seconds later, as she stormed out of King’s office, proving Sarah’s point. Even I had to admit, the drama with Bailey and King’s wedding was a bit much.

It was just a wedding. I would have thought Bailey would have been happy to marry King. Only, it seemed as if King was the only one who cared about the upcoming wedding.

“Come on, Cupcake!” King followed, reluctantly. “You have to wear white. It’s tradition!”

“I don’t give a fuck. It itches and makes me look like a fucking Disney Princess! I hate it.”

Scribe spewed beer across the bar, coughing as brothers laughed. Turning to face the fighting couple, Scribe had no problem offering his two cents. “Like anyone would think you are a Disney Princess. The evil Queen, yes, but a Princess? Hell no. You have nothing to worry about in that regard.”

“See, Scribe gets it! Why can’t you?”

“Because I want to watch you walk down the aisle in white!”

“Black maybe, but white? Hell no!” Scribe laughed. “Bailey in white! Are you trying to jinx your marriage before it starts? The woman is pure evil. Let her wear black. It will match her soul.”

“Yeah,” Bailey huffed, crossing her arms. “Why can’t I wear black? Black I can handle.”

King threw his arms in the air. “Fine. Wear whatever the fuck you want, but your ass better be smiling when you walk towards me. That’s non-negotiable.”

“Well,” Bailey cooed as she moseyed closer to King. “Maybe you could persuade me to smile if you give me the right incentive.”

King growled, before picking Bailey up and throwing her over his shoulder before returning to his office.

“See, drama,” Sarah whispered as I nodded.

I had to admit, Sarah had a point.

Life in the clubhouse was an adventure.

I never knew what the next minute would bring. If it wasn’t Bailey, it was Gunner complaining to anyone who would listen about the five extra pounds he packed on. If not them, Scribe was good at making a fool out of himself. Of course, the hijinks between Scribe and Bailey never seemed to end. From what Chase told me, it all started when Scribe lied to Bailey about being gay. After that, it was game on. From hiding birth control pills to fake tattoos, to pink hair dye. Everyone was waiting to see who would get who next.

While I enjoyed the easy-going club, a small part of me longed for something quieter. More stable, more resolute. I had been saving every dime I made and was getting closer to the down payment I needed for a cute little two-bedroom house in Rosewood. I still hadn’t told anyone about it yet because everyone had done so much for me already. I wanted to show them I could take care of myself and Cameron on my own.

I was also looking for a reliable vehicle.

It wasn’t easy always asking to borrow a car so I could run errands. While King and the others told me it was no big deal, it was to me.
