Page 64 of Pyro

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Waking some time later, I found myself on my side, my leg over Chase’s hip as he held me from behind, slowly moving his cock within me. His hand, holding my breast as he kissed and nibbled on my neck.

Moaning, I arched into him as he whispered, “I woke needing you.”

“I like you needing me.”

“Glad to hear that, baby, because I think you’ve become my new addiction.”

I groaned when he removed himself, only to find myself laying on my stomach and him straddling my legs, but before I could ask anything, he hiked my hips up until I was kneeling in front of him as I felt him reenter me.

“Oh, shit,” I gasped as he began to move.

“Thought you’d like this position,” he chuckled as his hand moved down my back. “Hold on to something, baby, because this is going to be fast.”

He wasn’t joking.

The second he gripped my hips he rode my body hard and fast. With one hand on the headboard and the other gripping the sheets, I barely had time to get ready for the orgasm that ravaged my body, but when I felt a finger rubbed against my forbidden hole, I screamed out as an explosive orgasm rushed to the surface, consuming my entire body as I screamed out loudly.

I never felt him release as a blinding light swamped me and I tried to fall back to earth. When I managed to open my eyes again, I found Chase sitting at the small table in the room talking on the phone as he picked up a cup of coffee.

“Yes, we are fine, asshole. No, you can’t speak to her. Because she’s sleeping. That’s none of your business.”

Reaching for the sheet, I slowly sat up.

Chase smiled at me as he said, “And with that, I’m hanging up. Yes, we should be back later tonight. Yeah, keep the kid. We’ll pick him up in the morning. Thanks, Scribe.”

Disconnecting the call, he placed his phone on the table and said, “Good afternoon, sleepyhead.”

I blushed. “How long was I asleep?”

“A few hours. I wore you out.”

“I didn’t mind.” I grinned.

“How do you feel?”

“Still tired. I feel like I could sleep for a week, but I’m good.”


Shaking my head, I blushed again, remembering everything that had happened. Chase chuckled. “God, you’re precious,baby, and as much as I would love to climb back into that bed with you, we need to get on the road soon. King is on the warpath. He knows where we are and said if I didn’t have you back at the compound by sundown, he was going to kick my ass.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. He just wants to see for himself that you are with me of your own volition. He thinks I coerced you into marrying me.”

I laughed at that.

“I’m pretty stubborn. I don’t think anyone can make me do something I don’t want to do. Not even you, Chase. How is Cameron?”

“Raising hell. The kid’s pissed at me because I didn’t ask him for your hand. Said since he is the man of the house, I owed him the respect.”

Shaking my head, I grinned. “Better watch out. Cameron may challenge you to a duel.”

“I’ll make sure my Nerf Gun is full of soap and water.” Chase laughed. “Now, I didn’t know what to order you, so I got a little of everything. I even got you a change of clothes in the shop in the lobby. So come eat before the food gets cold.”

I don’t know what made me say it, but when I said, “I’d rather eat something else,” Chase gulped, slowly got up from the table and stalked towards me before pouncing on me.

I never got to eat the food he ordered for me.

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