Page 52 of Tainted Promise

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But Caspar had been busy starting his construction firm with a friend as soon as he got all his certifications. I wondered where he’d gotten the money from. His dad hadn’t been in the picture, and Marina hadn’t been paid well enough to save much.

“How come you never tried to contact me?”

I’d asked the one question I knew would put a damper on our reunion. But I needed to know. It had felt like a betrayal when he’d disappeared without a word. Despite knowing Aleksándr was behind it, I had expected him to at least try to see me.

But I’d heard nothing from him.

He looked at his now empty plate. “It’s complicated.”

I wasn’t going to let him get away with his non-answer, knowing that he was hiding something. At least one thing hadn’t changed since I last saw him. He was still a shitty liar. “Uncomplicate it for me.”

“Aleksándr threatened Mama.”

Putting my hand on his tense shoulders, I squeezed lightly. “I understand. But you could have at least snuck me a message. Anything.” Aleksándr had threatened us both so many times, this would have been no different.

Caspar’s shoulders deflated and he still wouldn’t meet my gaze. “He also paid for trade school.”

My hand dropped away. I shouldn’t feel hurt. Caspar had made sure he had a future. But I’d always thought we’d meant more to each other. And then it hit me. He wouldn’t have only stayed away for trade school. But he would have if it meant he could own a business. “Aleksándr gave you the money to start your own construction firm, didn’t he?”

Caspar’s shoulders tilted forward. It was answer enough.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “It’s fine. I understand.”

“You shouldn’t have to. I was selfish. A coward. I should have gotten you out of there. But I took the money instead.”

I often wondered what would have happened if Caspar had taken me away from there. But I’d been underage. I’d been hurt when he’d left, but I now understood why it was for the best.

“You were eighteen. A child. I would have never wanted you to spend the rest of your life on the run.” And if I’d chosen a different path, I’d have never met Gabriel. So instead of the hurt I used to feel when thinking of Caspar, all I felt was gratitude.

He finally lifted his head. “So we’re good?”

“Of course.” I slid off my chair, feeling like I was finally closing the chapter on that part of my life. “Now do you prefer ice-cream or profiteroles? Or both?”

My feet had barely touched the ground before Caspar pulled me into a tight hug. “I’ve never forgiven myself for not getting you out of there. I’m so sorry.”

I held onto his arms, not feeling comfortable returning his hug. “It was never your job to take care of me. Or to get me away from there.”

He’d never known how bad it had really been. And Marina would have never told him.

“But I can make better choices now. If you need to get away from your husband, I’ll do anything I can to help you. I know people now.”

Chuckling an awkward laugh, I untangled myself from his arms. “No need to get me away from anything. I’m fine right where I am.”

“Mama said you didn’t want to get married. That Aleksándr forced you.”

Putting more distance between us, I clasped my hands together in front of me. “No offence, but this really has nothing to do with you. My marriage might have had an unusual start, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here.”

The words felt right. While I might have resented my marriage in the beginning, I now cherished every moment I had with my husband. Especially since they were limited.

Caspar reached for me, but a voice stopped him. “I’m glad to hear it.”

Then Gabriel was next to me, pulling me into him. I tilted my head back to greet him and he kissed me, his lips caressing mine, his tongue tracing along the seam of my lips. I forgot everything but how right it felt to be held like this. My mouth opened, and we made out as if we hadn’t seen each other just that morning.

When he pulled back, my thoughts were scrambled, my body pressed into his. He placed one last kiss on my lips and straightened again. “How was lunch?”

“Good.” I blinked, trying to clear my head. “What are you doing home already?”

“I missed you.”
