Page 53 of Tainted Promise

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At his statement, my heart melted, but my suspicions that he’d come to check on me and Caspar were confirmed. “I missed you too. But you could have called like you usually do instead of no doubt canceling meetings to see me.”

“I have to go, anyway.” Caspar’s voice reminded me that I’d been rude to ignore him and I turned my attention away from my husband.

“You sure you don’t want dessert?”

He grabbed his phone that had been sitting on the counter and put it in his pocket. “That’s okay. We’ll get dessert next time.”

Gabriel stiffened at the mention of another meeting. I wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing Caspar again, either. But he’d once been my friend. My only one. And I would have liked to revive that friendship.

“Sounds great. You have my number now. Maybe next week?”

Before Caspar could answer, Gabriel cut in. “That won’t be possible since we’ll be on our honeymoon.”

My body felt like it was hit by lightning, and I smiled so wide I no doubt looked like I’d eaten a few too many mushrooms. “Our honeymoon.”

My voice was full of awe. He’d organized our honeymoon. Something I’d always regretted not going on. For me, it was part of the wedding.

“The week after then.” Caspar kissed my cheek, then walked through the front door Gabriel had opened while I was still standing rooted to the spot, speechless.

Without giving me a chance to answer, Gabriel slammed the door shut.

“That was rude.”

Despite chiding him, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

Gabriel stalked up to me, not pausing before holding me to him in a tight hug. He always held me like he never wanted to let me go. And I loved it. “I don’t care. He’d overstayed his welcome.”

“We barely finished lunch before you came home.”

“Good. He got enough of you. Now it’s my turn.”

Leaning slightly back in his arms so I could see his face, I couldn’t help but tease him. “Are you jealous?”

He growled and kissed my neck, making me laugh. “Damn right I am. And I’m going to make sure you remember why this marriage is such a great idea.”

True to his word, he showed me exactly why my feelings for him were growing every day. He didn’t go back to work that day.



“I don’t thinkI’ve ever seen water this clear.” Vanna’s voice was full of wonder, and I couldn’t get enough of watching her face light up and her eyes sparkle with happiness. “Look. There are dolphins.”

I moved behind her and put my arm around her middle, worried she might fall overboard. We were on my family’s yacht, making our way through the Aegean Sea. Our destination was a little island that was only accessible by boat.

We owned a house by the beach that had been in the family for generations. We’d stay for a week before heading back to Athens to fly home. I was finally giving her the honeymoon she should have had weeks ago.

Taking the time off so I could be with her was worth it.Shewas worth it. I hated that our marriage had started out so badly. But she would never again regret marrying me. I’d make sure of it.

Her enthusiasm about going on a belated honeymoon was infectious. Everything turned into an adventure.

I’d never thought about the privilege I was born into. I would have thought Vanna had grown up similar to what I’d experienced. But despite her family’s wealth, she seemed to have never left Chicago. She’d never been on a flight before this one. She’d never even been on a boat.

She turned in my arms, her hair whipping around her flushed face. “Did you see them?”

I brushed my lips over hers. I couldn’t seem to help myself when it came to Vanna. I kept her within arm’s reach as much as I could, touching and kissing her at every opportunity. “I was too busy saving you from going overboard.”

She put her hands in my back pockets, bringing our bodies closer together. “My hero.”
