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Curiosity: 5

Intelligence: 0

“Zero?” I laugh. Orion has his whole pack represented in 8-bit wolves, plus a bunch of tiny wolf pup babes that make my heart hurt.

“Should we add a Lilah wolf?” He steals the laptop from me.

He’s not reading into this game as deeply as I am, so I shrug. “Just make mine smarter than Finn’s.”

He switches to a code screen, with the cutest mischief grin. “Omega. Female. Intelligence, five. Strength, two? Oh, and size. Maybe a point five? Shit. I have to reprogram it for itty bitty wolves.”

“Very funny.” I take back the computer when he hands it to me and can’t help grinning like an idiot over the little Lilah wolf who just joined their pack. She’s white and grey, and I can’t believe he added another character so quickly. “This is cool. Will you sell it when it’s finished?”

“Nah. It’s just a hobby. I feel useless if I don’t do anything.” There’s a longing in his voice that makes my chest ache.

“Did you want to work at Wyvern House that badly?”

“Not really. I was expected to because my dad does. My brother’s the perfect secret agent. Now I’m just the pack’s house husband.”

I wince like he’s shooting fire arrows into my deepest insecurity. “I get it.”

I’ve never wanted to sacrifice my whole self to an alpha pack. Still don’t. “Why don’t you start your own company? It’s not like the guys are keeping you barefoot in the kitchen. With them always gone, start an empire. Who knows? Maybe you’ll make more than them.”

“I wouldn’t know where to start,” he says, in this cute helpless way that makes me want to pat his head and fluff up his confidence.

“Finish your game, register your company. Maybe hire Atlas as your bodyguard.”

Orion’s eyes sparkle. “Imagine him standing behind my desk in a suit?”

I don’t have to imagine. I’ve seen Atlas in a suit. I’d put him under the desk and pay him to work overtime between my thighs. “Nevermind. You’d never get shit done.”

“Right?” He laughs and leans into me, not even a little bit territorial when I just admitted how hot I am for his pack leader. “What do you think of this?”

He shows me another feature, then another, and by the time I realize what’s happening, we’re pressed side-to-side on the couch, snuggled under the same blanket with his laptop balanced on a throw pillow that straddles our laps.

His game is amazing.

Orion is amazing.

And I wonder if this is what it feels like to have a friend.

An amazing-smelling, super molten hot omega friend whose scent makes me want to count how many licks it takes to get to his ooey-gooey center.

But yeah. A friend.

He has me giggling over the tongue-lolling animations on Finn’s zero-IQ wolf when we hear the front door open.

I reach for the knife hidden in my bra.

Orion pulls a handgun from between the sofa cushions and flicks the safety. He holds the gun with this cold, casual confidence that says he knows exactly how to handle his weapon.

And I’m going to be replaying the way his forearms flex and his expression hardens during my private alone time in the shower.

“Omega?” Craig’s whine sets me shivering.

Orion makes a disgusted noise before stowing the gun in its hiding hole. He’s straightening our blanket when Craig walks around the corner.

“There you are. I—” His eyes bug when he spots us pressed together on the couch. I squirm under his icky gaze. “What are you doing?”
