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Find a tree trunk or a cave or dive into the lake. But I can’t swim zip-tied.

All the while, my heat rides me.

I feel like I’m sprinting through the desert, dry and thirsty as fuck, even though wetness flows between my legs.

I crave. I need.

Pack leader.





I stumble, sucking in shallow breaths, sweating, and tripping on twisted roots.

Escape, fight, escape, fight.

I chant and chant, trying to stay focused, trying to ignore the cramps tightening my belly as my cunt clenches around nothing. Razor sharp with need, my scent screams where I am, my body calling out for my alphas, needing to be filled and fucked.

Craig crashes through the bushes, grunting, so easily following my scent trail.

I trip over a root and slap the ground hard. But I don’t dare move. He’s too close.

So close, it’s like he’s already standing over me when his phone rings.

Craig curses. “I’m on the way. There’s been a—No. No! Don’t come. You promised you wouldn’t—! Hello? Shit. Fuck.” Something crashes and shatters. Then he screams into the night. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

My blood can’t pump faster, but it switches directions, thundering into my head.

I don’t know who’s coming, but I know I don’t want to be here when they show.

I sprint as fast as I can, which isn’t very fucking fast, skirting the treeline until I’m at the far side of the mansion, just behind the back corner of the house. Through the trees, I watch three sleek black cars zoom down the driveway.

Too late to run.

They’re already here.

They park in a screech of brakes, and alphas in dark suits spill out, all big, broad, and packing.

Craig stumbles to them, clutching the stab wound that stains his shirt a super-satisfying red. “You can’t be here,” he hisses. “I was bringing her—”

“We’re not here for her,” the obvious leader says. He’s the biggest alpha, huge, bulky and bald, with bloodred gang ink peeking past his cuffs and collar.

Wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley.

Or at all.

“I don’t need the money,” Craig whines. “You can have her. Just don’t touch Orion.”

I want to throw up.

He sold me.

Craig fucking sold me.
