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I hide another smile in my cup, but Atlas catches this one, and I swear his golden brown eyes shimmer.

So we’re not doing jealousy? I thought he’d be pissed I keep flirting with his mate. Or pissed Orion keeps flirting with me.

He’s the opposite of pissed.

An expression I want to call…fond?

I turn away before I can read any deeper. I’m already way too fucking deep.

“What’s your plan for the day?” Atlas busies himself, mopping up the cocoa powder he spilled.

“I need to go to the dance studio to finalize my routine and grab my costume, but I don’t need to be there all day.”

“Come to class?” Orion nudges me. “We should mostly stick together, given…”

The kidnappings. The bomb threats. The usual.

“I’ll sit with you, but I have work.”

“Speaking of…” Orion ducks to the shopping bag that was tucked under the breakfast bar. “New phone and laptop. They’re all set up for you.”

It’s past the point where I can fight their gifts.

I’m so tired of doing spreadsheets without a keyboard. I hug the laptop box to my chest. “Thank you.”

Orion grins. “Can’t wait to teach you more code.”

We break to shower and then head to Orion’s morning physiology lesson where Atlas posts up next to the door and draws a classroom of thirsty looks.

Maybe including mine, but he’s not the kind of alpha you see on every street corner. No other alpha comes close to his breath-stopping dominance.

I force myself to tune out the mountain Adonis by playing with my new laptop. I catch up on the emails I’ve been ignoring and dig into the overdue bookkeeping for my back-alley roster of strip clubs, titty bars, and shady business fronts.

It’s so weird being back in the classroom.

I always sat by myself.

I always wanted to be alone, because after Marisol disappeared, I was the universal omega target.

Now I’m sharing a desk with a male who hooks his ankle in the legs of my chair and drags me so close our shoulders bump.

Orion’s scent, heat, and touch are a triple-threat, worming into my brain and making me question everything. Especially when he sneaks on a pair of gold-framed reading glasses that match his golden hair.

It’s pure sexual blackmail.

And last night…

It makes me doubt.

If it feels this good being with him, then having a pack—


I can enjoy the moment.

I can even admit how weak I am for the omega spun from sunshine.

What I can’t do is trick myself into thinking this ends in the fairytale. Because even if Wyvern Pack pulls off a miracle and totally handles their shit, I’ll still be what I am—the lone wolf who wants to disappear into a forest cave, only returning to civilization to get heat-treated.
