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It will happen.

And soon.

That’s why I jump out of bed early, ready—if not excited for—the ice cream social and more pole practice.

I can pretend to smile.

I shower, then change into my hoodie and the clean pair of sweats held up by a triple-knotted cord. I expect to step out to Finn stalking my door frame again, but instead I find an invasion of box towers and a burning smell.

Whichever unwanted roommate turned my bungalow into a storage locker also left an aisle. I creep to the kitchen to find Hunter and Orion huddled over the stove.

“It’s burnt.” Orion pokes a suspicious black lump on the griddle pan.

“It’s melted chocolate,” Hunter insists.

“It’s charcoal, dude.” Orion tips the pan into the trash.

“What are you doing?”

They jump.

“Making French toast.” Hunter side steps, switching my view of the blackened pan for one of him in a hooded sweatshirt with cut-off arms and unfairly tight workout pants.

Trying to avoid staring at the canvas of ink and muscle, I focus on the bridge of his nose, but his hypnotizing dark features don’t cut my ovaries a break. “Why is it you?”

“The guys are trading guard duty.” Wearing a temptingly soft sweater, Orion dredges a fresh piece of bread that sizzles and pops when it hits the way-too-hot pan. “One will be with you at all times.”

He’s way more concerned about the griddle than the consequences of pawning off his former alphas, but there’s not a whiff of jealousy in his vibe.

I was expecting him to be ragged, or at least a little bit rattled after severing his bond.

But no.

He and Hunter seem…loose.

They’re lighter than before. When their arms casually brush, there’s no tension. It doesn’t feel like an alpha and his omega, or even two guys wrecked by loss.

They look all shiny, fresh, and new.

The shift makes my belly swirl, and I don’t want to examine why. “What’s the deal with the boxes?”

Hunter walks toward me.

He watches me with thick-lashed, dark brown eyes, and a bamboo cane knocks out my knees when I realize what changed.

Hunter’s focus.

He used to see everything and do nothing.

Now he’s only looking at me, and I don’t think I want to know what he’s about to do.

I’m not sure what I’ll do because that single-minded Hunter focus is as good as a belly rub to the needy, whiny creature inside me.

She wants to roll over.

The boxes are the new MVPs, stopping him from coming any closer.

“We ordered you some things.”
