Page 221 of Redfang Royal

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The metal bump digs juuuust deep enough.

My clit sings—and shit can it belt.

A freaking anthem.

I chase the pulsing rhythm, stroked by alpha growls.

Rub, rub, rub my clit, wildly in the sea.

Finally, finally, finally, finally—about to fucking cream.

“Jin!” I claw his shoulders, grasping for the impossible bliss.

Just for a second.

Half a second.

Let him be mine.

“There you are,” Jin purrs apart my soul. “Marisol.”

I shatter.

From my name.

From the idea of keeping him.

Jin’s cock pulses between my thighs.

I shudder, and the tang of saltwater, the entire freaking ocean can’t hide the four-way spike of alpha lust stuffing my lungs.

It’s not my favorite place to get stuffed.

But can I handle more?

Strip off the layers between us?

Then I could ride more than Jin’s zipper.

Panting, I tense for the inevitable cringe.

But as my breath steadies, my freak flag stays furled. My post-orgasm pheromones are docile. Silent instead of sawing.

Am I fixed?

If I am, I’m flashing the green light.

Meadows Pack can drag me to shore and spread me on white sand. I’ll sink on Jin’s waiting knot, and while Bish and Reese feed me kisses, Dutch can eat any part of me he wants.

I’ll let them run a four-way fuck-train longer than the Trans-Siberian rail.

And when we’re locked, body-to-body, alpha knot-deep in my begging pussy, then I’ll let them—


My muscles spasm.

Sharp. Stabbing.
