Page 243 of Redfang Royal

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“You’re still here.”

He knocks my forehead. “You thought we’d disappear?”



A long-forgotten flutter rustles deep inside. Butterfly wings or feathers.

Maybe one last hope.

I spent the night tangled in Meadows with no mistakes. Pheromones calm. Glands quiet. Even my throat behaves.

No one ever tasted my perfume and stuck around after.

Until Jin.

He watches over me with a dark gaze that liquifies my plan to run the hell away.

I’d jump him if my arms weren’t pinned.

“Jinnie.” I arch to meet him. “Kiss me ’til it feels real.”

Jin’s sandpaper purr curls my toes. “Been waiting for you, Tomcat.”

He dips for a chaste kiss.

Jin’s gentlest touch sings with that lightning edge I can’t resist.

But his softness doesn’t last past my gasp.

When I yield, Jin claims my mouth. Parting my lips. Working his jaw.

He tastes like summer rain.

Like lightning over the ball field, and all my dreams, crushed into a black hole I don’t want to escape.

He tastes like everything I ever wanted.

My body strains toward him, not away.

Jin lifts me, drawing me closer. His possessive pull shifts Dutch between my legs.

When Dutch’s nose grinds my clit, my spine full-on rainbows.

Holy shit.

I writhe, desperate to anchor around Jin’s shoulders, but my arms aren’t mine to move. My fingers scrape Bish’s teeth, while my captive hand offers Reese’s wood a tight, good-morning shake.

The alphas’ sleepy groans harmonize with my muffled gasps and Jinnie’s roughening purr.

Dutch nuzzles, grabbing my ass in a toe-curling huff.

Must be vaginal CPR.

She’s alive.

Fluttering. Pulsing. Maybe even slick.
