Page 55 of Redfang Royal

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Point is, this dick is pristine.

Swollen knot untouched.

Saved myself for my beta—my fated mate.

Not some rando elevator omega.

But not even a stroll through the slums softens my grundle.

I cut through alleys littered with bullet casings and sky-high trash bags, wishing I had to go farther before the buildings opened up to the neighborhood where Mom and Dany have been crashing.

I want to move them somewhere with a fence and a security system, but Kairo can hack cameras.

Jin says they’re safer in the slums.


But what good is keeping them safe from Kairo if they get car-jacked or home-invaded?

‘Least no one will be able to hurt them once they’re on the plane.

“Mom?” I announce my arrival while I unlock the first set of bars. “It’s me.”

“Baby?” Bolts and chains rattle. “What’s going on? Bishop sent an itinerary.” When the barred door swings open, she bundles me into a hug.

Mom’s red hair has badass grey wings, and her beta scent is as warm as her hug—crusty, yeasty bread. I chuck the pizza boxes to squeeze her.

She’s the reason for my hug gene, but she pulls away real fast. “You seem…agitated.”


Fuck you, elevator omega.

I dodge behind the threadbare sofa. “It’s nothing.”

“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Her blue eyes flick downward. “Do we need to have another talk about the birds and the bees? Or the birds and the birds?”

“Mom. No.” My neck sweats, but even judged and mashed into the sofa, my cock won’t go soft.

What do the commercials say?

If it stays up more than three hours, I’m either going to urgent care or Bish has to take one for the team. “Please just pack.”

Dany peeks out of her room, her strawberry blonde hair tied in two poofy, frazzled buns. “How much luggage can we bring? And how long are we going away? I need a bunch of notebooks for… projects.”

“Take whatever you need. I don’t know how long. Things are kind of a mess right now.”

“Everything’s always a mess.” Dany drifts into the living room. “Ooh. Pizza?”

“Wait!” I dash and grab the top box, shoving it into her hands before confiscating the bottom one.

Hope that wet spot is pizza grease.

“Why?” She holds the box, her sisterly intuition making me sweat.

“Just… Don’t.”

“Dandelion. Finish packing.” Mom shoos her. “I’ll run the inquisition.”
