Page 23 of Bad Habits

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We could have continued exactly how we had been, as something more than friends but less than lovers. I still would have loved him. He didn’t have to give me a way forward, a means to escape my claustrophobic life. It wouldn’t have changed anything. I still would have loved him.

He could tell me right now that he had made a mistake and take back every bit of help he had offered. I would still love him and want only the best for him.

Feeling more optimistic after my shower, I spent a few minutes tidying up before stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel around my waist. A risk, and one that might not pay off, but I was willing to take that chance.

Gage sat on the side of the bed, gloriously and beautifully naked. Smooth, tanned skin glowed in the amber light cast from the bedside lamp, and my cock twitched in interest at all those defined muscles on display.

Fuck, he was gorgeous, and I wanted to trace every hard line of his body with my hands, lips, tongue, and teeth. I had the overwhelming urge to mark him, brand him, to leave some evidence that he belonged to me and me alone.

It was wholly presumptuous of me, but I didn’t care. I wanted him with an intensity that frightened me a little.

“Hey, Nate. How did you sleep?”

I swallowed thickly and nodded. I didn’t want to talk.

Prowling toward him, I made no effort to stop the towel from sliding off my hips. His eyes darkened with desire when the material fell to the floor, and he bit the corner of his bottom lip as his gaze raked over me from sternum to groin. If he had told me to stop, I would have, but he just sat there, watching, waiting to see what I would do.

I hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. I didn’t have much experience in the art of seduction. Okay, I had exactly zero experience. I wasn’t a virgin, but those encounters had been fumbled and hurried, driven by physical need and nothing else.

With Gage, everything was different. With him, I wanted so much more. In the end, I just decided to do what felt right and hoped he would take it from there.

I forced one foot in front of the other until I reached the edge of the bed. Resting my hand on his shoulder for balance, I slid into his lap and straddled his thighs, moaning when his warm body pressed against mine. With my knees resting on the mattress, I wound my arms around his neck and dipped my head to skim the tip of my nose along the bridge of his.


His hands slid up my thighs to rest on my hips, his fingers flexing and kneading. “Yes, baby?”

Oh, I liked that. Electricity rippled down my spine, and my breath caught as my swollen cock jerked in response to the endearment spoken in that quiet, husky voice.

“I’m not tired anymore.”

A smirk tilted one side of his mouth, and he jerked me closer by the hips so that my dick grinded against his corrugated abs. “Neither am I.”

Without warning, he captured my mouth in a hungry kiss and thrust his tongue inside. His teeth scraped over my bottom lip, pulling a needy whimper from me, and I writhed against him as I felt his heavy erection press against my ass. He continued to lick and nip, eating at my mouth until I vibrated so uncontrollably I feared I might break apart.

When I jerked my head to the side to gasp for breath, he whispered his lips up the side of my neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Capturing my earlobe between his lips, he tugged gently, and I shivered as tingles raced over my skin.

He took his time, exploring my body in unhurried caresses, using his hand and mouth to map every inch of me he could reach. My pulse exploded into a wild gallop, beating a hard tattoo against my ribs, and I groaned as the pressure in my balls built to unbearable levels.

My cock throbbed, leaking a steady stream of precum from the slit that slicked his stomach, creating a smooth glide every time I rocked against him. When he had me teetering on the edge, aching and needy, he reached to the side to pull open the drawer of the bedside table.

He ripped open a small foil packet with his teeth and extracted the circle of latex. Then he eased me back just far enough to insinuate a hand between our bodies so he could roll the condom down his hard length.

Reaching into the drawer again, he came back with a small bottle of lube. He used his thumb to flick the cap open, and with a dexterity that seemed impossible to my addled brain, upended it in the same hand. Filling his palm with a generous amount of gel, he dropped the tube to the floor and reached between us again to coat his thick shaft.

Eager for more, trembling in anticipation, I rose up on my knees, hovering, waiting. Instead of the blunt head of his cock, however, two slippery fingers glided between my cheeks and rubbed against my hole. I moaned and arched my back when he breached me, tilting my hips to take the digits deeper.

He pumped slowly at first, sliding into me in measured increments as he stretched the taut muscles that guarded my entrance. It was a consideration I hadn’t been afforded before, and while I didn’t necessarily need it, I loved the extra attention. It was too much and not enough in equal measure, and I rushed toward a release that felt just out of my grasp.

After what felt like a tortuously long time, Gage pulled his fingers free and wound an arm around my hips, lifting me up to position his cock against the tight ring. “Ready, baby?”

Gripping the tops of his shoulders, I exhaled slowly and nodded. Then I sank over him, panting and shaking as my body strained to accept the invasion. Fuck, he was big, long and thick, and I had never felt so full.

The pressure was intense, overwhelming, and my entire body ignited as a flash burn spread across my skin. Despite the small bite of pain, I loved the way he felt inside me, how perfectly we fit together. It was like I had been made just for him.

He groaned when I bottomed out, my ass pressing against the tops of his thighs, and I had never heard a more beautiful sound.

“Fuck me, baby.” His voice was deep, gravelly, and it sent a jolt of desire coursing through me. “Take what you need.”
