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It is early morning as I am leaving the house with Taylor in his stroller. That crazy woman from next door is walking towards me and I want to roll my eyes back. I am not in the mood for her.

But to my surprise, she has an idea that at first, I do not like, but I force myself to give it a second thought and decide in the end that it will be better to have her close on civil ground.

This means that I can actually control the information she can gather about me. My main concern here is that she knows my brother and my brother is apparently still dating my ex (if you can call their constant cheating and public-fighting dating). If Gianna knows my brother, then she can easily be feeding them both information about me which may have huge implications for the court battle I am currently in with Karla.

I hate to even think her name in my head. It is so much easier to just think of her as my ex. It is probably extremely childish of me to think that way, but she doesn't deserve anything more. Not after what she is doing to Taylor. Taking away his chance to grow up with a loving mother. And even now, dragging our family through hell with this custody battle I am fully aware that she is not interested in being a mother at all, only the financial gains she will get from it. What a disgusting person. She and my brother deserve each other.

So, with Gianna standing in front of me and making the suggestion that we should be friends, or at least friendly, I initially wanted to tell her to go to hell. The reality is though that it is valuable to have her closer and more in my control.

The tight gym leggings she is wearing have absolutely nothing to do with my decision to go along with this. This woman has the most beautiful body I have ever seen. Walking with her this morning is a challenge as my mind keeps flashing back to the night, I saw her in the pool. It takes a lot of willpower to control what is happening in my pants. Then she has those random flirtatious comments. When she mentions that she wants to see me release my beast, images fill my head of taking her right then and there on the park bench in front of everyone. That will look great in court. I roll my eyes at myself.

I will really have to watch myself around her. She does something to me and it worries me. She makes me lose my mind at random moments, lose my self-control and I really hate that. I am the one in control at all times and no hot-bodied sassy little girl is going to change that.

I really enjoyed the morning walk-through and at the end we exchanged numbers, honestly, I already have her number saved having noted it from the neighborhood message group. I don't want to let her know that though. I don't even know why I did that. It's not like I was planning on calling her or anything. It was shortly after the pool incident --- the R-rated thoughts she had given me.

I keep having flashbacks to that moment in the pool with her and it didn't even happen. It has been so frustrating for me. I am usually so focused, and it is difficult to derail me, but this woman is doing things to my mind and body.

So, I agreed to be her friend. I would like to say that it was purely for keeping control, but then after our morning walk, I realized it is more than that. She isn't who I expected. All of my brother's girlfriends (I've only met a few while my brother and I were still talking) are total airheads, clearly just wild party sluts after nothing but status and money. I thought Gianna would be the same, but she is --- she is something else.

I do not want to be thinking like this though. I don't have time for these thoughts. I have a custody battle to worry about and a little boy to raise. Those are my primary thoughts and my main focus.

This daydreaming about pools and tight gym pants has got to stop.

However, in the theme of making friends, I have decided to invite Gianna to dinner. The better I know her the more control I can keep over this weird situation. For all I know her friendly demeanor is all an act while she feeds my brother information.

I am already holding my phone in my hand with her name on my screen, ready to dial but feeling hesitant. I have no idea why she makes me feel this way. I am actually nervous to ask her to join me for a simple dinner. Maybe I should have my assistant call her? Fuck no! Hudson, what is wrong with you? Just dial.

"Gianna speaking." Her sweet voice answers.

"Gianna, it's Hudson." I don't know if she has my number, she may not know who is calling.

"Oh yes of course, sorry I wasn't paying attention when I answered otherwise, I would have seen your name on the screen. Just a busy day today." She does have my number, now who is stalking whom?

"You and me both." I sigh.

"How can I help you, Hudson? Is my house on fire or something?" She is sassy as always.

I laugh. "It might be --- were you cooking this morning? I swear I could smell charcoal-flavored toast."

"Funny. I happen to be an excellent cook. I just don't follow recipes that's all." I think of her in the kitchen and it's sexier than it should be.

"Of course, you don't. The rule breaker as always."

She makes a light musical sound that makes me forget why I am phoning her in the first place. I clear my throat.

"Right, so, the actual reason why I was calling was not to inform you that we need a fire brigade but to ask you if you had dinner plans this evening?" I pause and she goes silent.

"Why would you be asking me about my dinner plans?" She sounds genuinely confused.

My stomach tightens with nerves. Why was I nervous! "Well---er --- I am new in the area, and I am hoping you would be my tour guide to a restaurant I want to try out. That Asian place on the corner outside of the estate. Is it any good?" I try to act cool, but I am not. I'm flipping out internally.

"Oooh. Yes, it's great actually. You will enjoy it. Just don't order the prawns they are not so great. Is there anything else?" She asks me, missing the invitation.

"Yes, Gianna, I am inviting you to join me for dinner," I add, and there's that weird silence again.

Have we been disconnected, it's dead quiet. "Hello?"
