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I turn to look at her. Fuck she looks livid. "How can I help you, Ms. Drake?" I am polite, and not giving her reason to lash out.

"I don't know what you think you are doing with my son but let me be clear. You have already messed up the reputation of my younger son and now it seems you have gotten your gold-digging claws into my older son. I will not have you interfering with my family like this." She gets into my personal space, and she smells like retirement village and secondhand smoke, "Do you understand that you are putting his entire custody battle at risk? Heaven forbid the press got a hold of this disastrous story!" she raises her voice, "Daniel's ex now chasing his older brother. It is unheard of, and I will not let you do this. Have some morals. Think about Taylor. What kind of a social climber are you?"

Her words cut me deeper than I would like to admit.

I want to defend myself; tell her she was wrong. Tell her that Daniel's reputation is entirely of his own making. I want to yell at her about the damage Daniel has done to me, and the trauma he has caused. But instead, I find myself nodding. I stand up straight and just agree with this bitter old woman.

Perhaps I am being selfish. Hudson and Taylor do not need drama in their lives now and in reality, if the press does get hold of this story, it will be a nightmare of a scandal and they will stretch out every negative side of the story in their favor.

"Have a nice evening," is all I manage to say. Then I turn and walk towards my home.

"I hope you heard me young lady!" She calls after me. I heard --- loud and fucking clear.

I ignore her. My heart is heavy in my chest and tears are running freely down my face. I am really stupid to believe this could have worked. The reality is that it is a fairy tale of an idea. There is no way I could be with Hudson and not cause problems for him.

It just wouldn't be fair to me. Daniel truly has ruined my life.



Ihear the front door slam and my mother's high-heeled footsteps marching into the kitchen where I am preparing some food. I had foolishly, completely forgotten she was coming over.

She stands with her hands on her hips, staring at me.

"Did you get whatever it was that you had forgotten in the car, Mother?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Hudson. I did not forget anything in the car. I went to talk to that piece of trash next door that I just caught you making out with. What is wrong with you? How dare you put your family at risk like this with someone so far beneath your standing and how dare you act in a way that might hurt your brother."

I blink at her in disbelief. She had done what? Had she just spoken to Gianna?

"What did you say to her?" The edge of my voice is as sharp as the knife in my hand which I slowly put down on the counter.

"Mother. What. Did. You. Say. To. Gianna?"

She rolls her eyes. "What does it matter? She is out of your life now and you will NOT be seeing her again do you understand me. You cannot be that stupid. What about your son? Your reputation? Your brother's reputation." She folds her arms. "Everything about that woman screams trouble and you want to pretend you care about staying clean for the media during the custody battle while you are galivanting around with that slut."

"She is anything but a slut." I try very hard to stay calm, "You know nothing about her!" I am so angry I can feel myself shaking slightly.

"Hudson, if you want some loose piece of ass, find another one. Any other one. But this particular one is going to do damage in your custody battle. If you do not hear anything I am saying at least hear that!"

I am angry but I realize what she is saying about the custody battle might be partially true. All I care about is my son and maybe I have been so blindly selfish letting myself fall for Gianna. Make no mistake, I am fully aware that I am falling for her. She is such an amazing, kind, and beautiful woman. She is so gentle with Taylor and has been so incredibly supportive of me, but it would be bad if the media did get hold of this news. I have already experienced trial by media. And I didn't need the social trial to interfere with the real trial.




My mother is not wrong about that.

I turn my back to her to hide the pain in my expression.

"You know I am right Hudson." I wish she wasn't.

I sigh, deep and sad, feeling defeated and deflated; feeling like I have been selfish and ignorant to the overall picture; feeling like I have somehow let my son down and I have been a terrible father, and nothing can affect me more than the thought of letting Taylor down.

I concede to accept reality for what it is.
