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"It's difficult to say because he is in the middle of this custody battle and there is so much going on with his ex still being in the picture and your ex being his family." All things I have told myself a thousand times "Is it a good idea for you to be involved with him at all?" Samantha is always the one to play devil's advocate, but Claire is having none of it.

"Are you kidding? She hasn't ever spoken like this about anyone, Sam. Name one time you have ever heard her talking like this about a guy. Never mind a freaking hot billionaire. I say she should screw what anyone else thinks and go for it. Follow your heart, Gi." My heart is stupid, my heart has got me in trouble and got itself broken too many times to be trusted.

"Is it that easy though?" I shrug, feeling a little desperate. I want to believe I can just let go of what everyone else thinks and dive in and let myself feel everything I am semi-denying that I am feeling. But I am scared. For good reason. There are so many loose ends and other factors to consider. Should I wait until the court case is over? Sometimes these things go on for years. What if I wait and lose him? Is that a good or a bad thing?

When Samantha sighs and agrees with Claire, that is when my world flips upside down. "Yip. I don't really want to say it, but I actually think she is right. I don't think you have ever spoken about a guy this way. This kind of chance at something real does not come along very often and if it is real then you can't just ignore it. But Gi, you have to be careful." She pauses and thinks about what she has said then shakes her head. "Scrap that. Don't be careful. Just go for it." They are the worst best friends ever. Utterly useless.

I don't know if I had expected them to talk me out of it but apparently, that is no longer an option. Besides, I have to be honest with myself, and I really don't want to stop what is happening with Hudson.

* * *

It's late when I get home. Slightly tainted by mimosa, I swallow my nerves and walk over to Hudson's place, knocking lightly on the door. He opens it and immediately his face breaks into a smile when he sees it is me. "Hi, Sexy."

He pulls me inside, closes the door behind him, and kisses me gently on the lips. My heart races. His kisses are soft and slow, not the fiery urgent passion they had been last night, but tender and warm. The feeling is deeper and runs through me like electricity.

"Daddy?" A little voice comes from the room next to the lounge.

Hudson steps away, still smiling. "Sorry, uh, let me go see what the little guy wants."

I stand in the entrance hall, smiling, but feeling shy. Now that I have admitted to myself that I actually do have feelings for him I am not sure how to react around him. I'm being a dork, all blushing and weird.

He comes back into the room. "Ok, sorted, he just wanted a good night tuck in. He is settled now."

I decided the best way to approach this whole thing is bluntly. "Hudson, about last night." I start, but he quickly speaks over me.

"Last night was fucking incredible, Gianna. I won't lie to you; I haven't been able to stop thinking about you today." He has a devious glint in his eye.

"Me too." I shift a little, feeling like a school kid standing in front of her first crush. He stands closer to me and gently lifts my chin up so that my eyes meet his. "I want --- I mean --- I know this is complicated."

Complicated. Yes, it is. Suddenly I felt nervous. He is right. This is so intensely complicated.

"Maybe I should go, I just---"

"Oh, yes - sure. Uh, sure." He steps back slightly. Have I just offended him?

He moves away from me and opens the front door. I turn to walk out but he grabs me around my waist and his lips are on mine, kissing me passionately again. I give in and melt into his arms.


A woman's voice comes from the open doorway, and I jump.

Hudson groans out loud.

"Mother." He says, clipped and short. "Come in." Oh my God, his mother just saw us smooching like kids.

I take a big step away from him. "I should get going then," I say.

His mother glares at me. "Yes. I think you should!" She sneers, looking at me with disdain. She knows who I am --- she hasn't forgotten; I can see it in her eyes.

He grabs my arm. "I will call you later, okay?" I doubt that I can see the look in his mother's eyes.

I smile, trying not to show how much she has gotten to me. "Yes. I look forward to it."

I nearly sprinted out of the door to escape the awkwardness of the situation. Feeling rejected and like a child in trouble, but this time one who has been caught kissing a boy she is not supposed to be kissing.

I am almost at my front door when his mother's voice comes ringing behind me.

"Ms. Perth." She spits my name out with disdain in her voice.
