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"Yes, unfortunately exactly true."

"But I have a restraining order against him!"

"Yes, you have a restraining order against Daniel, but not against Hudson."

Samantha had been there for me during my traumatic relationship with Daniel and through the breakup and had been a huge support after it.

I appreciate so much that she is calling me and letting me know this information, but with every cell in my body I wish it was not true.

"Just watch your back, Gi. I'm so sorry I have to run. I've got so much work to do. But call me if you need anything OK! And we are still on for girls' night at your place on Wednesday, right?"

I realize I haven't been listening to everything she is saying as my mind is still trying to come to terms with the new information. "Girls' night? Oh yes! Of course! Definitely. Thank you, Sam, for letting me know. Bye, babe."

I sit at my desk staring blankly at the computer screen in front of me. Why in the world would someone like Hudson want to live out in the suburbs. He is one hundred percent a city boy through and through. I assume he is just like his brother. I mean they were raised in the same spoiled brat style with too much money and thinking they own everything including the people around them… why in the world does he want to live in a quiet family estate for?

The drive to the city must be absolute hell for him every day. Why would living out here be worth that long commute? Nothing about this makes sense! Is there something happening that I need to be aware of? Is Daniel somehow involved in this --- did he somehow find out where I live and have his brother buy the house next door to mess with me? He would not have been legally able or allowed to buy the property so close to me due to the restraining order, but if he had his brother put it in his name --- that thought spikes my fears slightly. Would he be that smart?

It had been one of the worst relationships I had ever been in. If you want to know the meaning of the word narcissist you just have to meet Daniel. The charming, sexy, beautiful person that turns out to be the most fake, disgusting manipulative monster a person can ever meet. Manipulation at its finest! That's how I ended up dating him. Pure manipulation. I still hate myself for falling for all of his bullshit. That was back when I still believed in love.

I have done a lot of work on myself since our relationship and come through a huge space of healing and just finding myself again…truthfully it has been pure hell. I know I have terrible taste in men and have made some bad choices. Somehow, I am always attracted to emotionally unavailable assholes instead of the good guys, but Daniel had taken that to a whole new level for me and after breaking up with him I have made the choice to stay single and work on my business and my own life. I don't need anyone or anything from anyone.

One of the big things that has made me feel free and happy again has been moving into my new home, my own space, in a quiet place --- now ---somehow it seems that that is about to change.

I feel anger as memories of who Daniel was and what he had done surface fresh in my mind. No. I can't let this get to me. I take a deep breath and calm the bite of anxiety that threatens to surge through me. I will not let him mess with my life ever again. I am so much stronger now and I see him for exactly who he really is and he and that brother of his, Hudson, had better watch their step when it comes to messing with me. Whatever they have planned I will put a stop to it before it can go any further.

Thank goodness Sam had called at the end of the day. I am just finishing up the files for my two new clients and after that call, I just know I will not be able to focus anymore. Glancing at the time I see that it is actually pretty late already. I pack up my things just as my assistant pops her head through the open door, leaning into my office.

"I'm heading home, Gianna. Is there anything you need before I leave?"

My assistant is brilliant. She is smart, and efficient and knows how I like things done so we work perfectly together.

"No, I'm all set here thanks, Bridget. I'll see you tomorrow!"

She smiles and waves goodbye.

I stand up, get my things together, and head for my car. The drive home is too quiet without music on. I need to clear my head. So, I scroll through my playlist and find the most vibey song I can find and play it as loud as my speakers will allow. Singing out of tune but enjoying every moment of it.

In the back of my mind though the news of Hudson being my new neighbor is still bothering me. I need to figure out how to deal with this in a civilized and professional way. Perhaps I need to call my lawyer? Is that too extreme? Better to be ahead of the problem than to be blindsided, but he might take it as a personal attack.

Arriving home, I don't bother unpacking my work bag, I will need everything I have in there for tomorrow afternoon's meetings.

I slip my shoes off and pad around the open-plan kitchen in my pink socks. Pouring a glass of wine, I wander out to my balcony. Everything is quiet. No builders, no obscene cars, no city noise. I sit down in a big soft, outdoor chair and curl my feet up under myself. Comfortable and cozy, sipping on my wine I sit alone watching the sunset. It has taken me so long to get to this space, in my life, where I am happy alone and really honestly don't want anyone to ruin that for me. I have come to understand that real happiness is found in being in solitude and having the strength to be completely content alone.

The day's thoughts swim around in my head, and I am not sure if I am trying to convince myself that I want to be alone; or if I just do not want to believe that I will be alone for a long time because I just do not choose good men. Oh well. I still have great friends and good wine, a thriving business, and a beautiful home. What more could a girl want?

* * *

The morning is bright and warm as I lock the door behind me heading out for my walk. I slept really well last night, and I am feeling happy and excited to take on two new clients today. The coffee has kicked in and I am ready to tackle anything. Well, almost anything --- there are some things we can't be prepared for.

As I head down my driveway, I see Hudson leaving his house. Of all the things I was ready for this morning, facing him is probably not one of them. He has running gear on. Maybe he is just going to head down to the gym or something. I don't really care as long as he is going in the opposite direction of me. But no. He walks straight down his driveway and turns towards me.

He is taller than Daniel, and much fitter. His arm muscles are straining against his white shirt, and I can see the outline of his sculpted chest through the thin body-hugging material. His body is more muscular and toned and actually, they don't even have the same facial features. If I didn't know he was Daniel's brother, I would not have said they resembled each other in any way. Maybe Daniel was the milkman's kid, or some crazy serial killer. They are so different. It's actually hard to believe they're family at all. But blood is blood and no matter how good-looking the family is in general I know who they really are at heart.

He is looking right at me.

Fuck… now I have no choice but to greet him.

"Good morning, Hudson." I nod towards him and keep my voice as neutral as possible.

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