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Everything becomes clear and my blood runs cold. My brother had tricked her; she thought I wanted her there. That is the only reason she came.

Oh, fuck I am such an idiot.

The way I spoke to her. How could I have doubted her? Why hadn't I just given her a chance to explain herself? I let my anger and my pride get in the way.

I shove the letter into my pocket and grab my things, running out of the office. I dialed her number on the way to the car, but she declined the call. I dial again and she declines again. Shit.

She has every right to be furious with me. I wouldn't talk to me if I was her either.

All the way home I hold onto the hope that she is there. I need her to be there. I desperately need to fix the mistake I have made.

Pulling into my driveway I breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Her car is in her garage which is standing open. Well, I remind myself, that her being home is just the first step. I now need to find a way to get her to give me a chance to explain how sorry I am.

I run over to her front door and bang a little harder than I meant to.

Her voice calls from inside. "Give me a second. I'll be right there." I am glad she doesn't know it is me otherwise she might not want to answer. The door swings open and she looks up into my face and just as I am about to speak, she tries to slam it shut again. I move quickly, putting my foot in the door frame and pushing it back open. "HUDSON!" She shouts, sounding a little scared.

"Wait, please Gianna, wait. I am such an idiot. Please."

She pauses and steps back. Letting go of the door.

I hand her the crumpled paper from my pocket.

She stares at it for a little while. "I didn't think you would read it. I --- I just took a chance." She looks at me and waits.

"I read it. I understand exactly what happened. I understand why you showed up and I am so so so sorry. Please, Gianna. I am so sorry for how I treated you and how I spoke to you." She says nothing, and I know I made a monumental mistake.

She turns to walk towards her kitchen. Leaving me hesitating in the doorway before I follow her in and close the door behind myself.

"My brother --- he is so sick in the head. I can't believe that he and my ex played so dirty and worse than that, I can't believe that I doubted you." I want her to know that I am sorry and that I should have known better. I was stressed, and angry.

"Well, don't feel too bad because I can't believe that I fell for that stupid note." She says, her voice pained.

"My Baby Girl, please tell me you forgive me." I walk up behind her, where she is pouring a whiskey for both of us, and slip my arm around her waist. Whispering in her ear I say again, "Please forgive me, Gianna."

She turns, still wrapped in my arms, to face me and kisses me. The world fades away and nothing else matters but this kiss. She can forgive me. The tension leaves my body and relief washes through me. She has forgiven me. I lift her up in my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, and kiss her harder. She moans sweetly.

"But Hudson," she whispers, "does this mean I am no longer in trouble?"

"Oh no, Little Girl, you are definitely still in trouble," I growl at her. "And I will make sure that you know it."

She giggles. "Oh, is that so?"

I drop her to her feet.

"Undress. Now." I demand.

She keeps her gaze locked on me as her pants slide to the floor. She lifts her oversized shirt over her head and stands naked in front of me. Her tight curves demanded my attention.

"Hands on the counter." She walks over to the kitchen counter and places both hands on the cold surface with her back to me.

"Bend over. Now don't move."

I stand back and admire the shape of her shoulders, the curve of her back, her round ass. The way she is leaning forward just enough for me to see her pussy, already wet and waiting."

I run my fingers down her spine, over her buttocks, and let them slide over her wet pussy lips. She arches her back and pushes into my hand. "I. Said. Don't. Move."

She giggles again. "Do you think this is funny, Gianna?"

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