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But as I turn away from him tears start to run down my cheeks again. I do not turn back though, and he does not try and stop me.

We both know there is no other choice. We love each other enough to let go.



It has been three days since I was given that disgusting contract. It is still lying on my kitchen counter unsigned. I know I have to sign it. I know what I have to do, but every time I have picked up a pen to do that, I just have not managed to find the strength to go through with it. I am giving myself some time to process the inevitable and accept it for what it is.

There is a light knock at my door. For a second my heart leaps, thinking it might be Gianna, but then I remember that I saw her leaving for work that morning and she would not be home yet.

Curious I go over to see who it is.

Two girls are standing at my door, and I recognize them as frog girl and cat girl from the onesie party Gianna had hosted.

Confusion splashes across my face.

"Uh - can I help you? Gianna is not here - I think she is still at work?"

"Hi Hudson. I'm Samantha and this is Claire. Sorry we haven't actually had a chance to meet you properly, but can we come in. It's kind of important."

"Frog, and Cat?" I smile and I step aside to let them in wondering what in the world was going on. Then suddenly I am struck with panic. "Did something happen to Gianna? Is Gianna OK? Is there---"

"Hey, wait, hold up cowboy. Gianna is totally fine. And please, she does not know we are here so don't you dare go messaging her!" These are her friends, her people, the ones who keep her going when she's down.

"I don't get it - what is going on?" I frown, why are they in my house?

"We have a plan. It all comes down to how much you love Gianna and whether or not you want to find a way to get rid of that stupid clause in the contract?" The Samantha one says. She's smarter than she looks; I can hear in the way she speaks.

"How do you know?"

"Again, sorry to interrupt, but it doesn't matter. What matters is your answer. We know how Gianna feels about you. We have never seen her this way. Ever. The only question that we need to have answered is, do you love, Gianna?"

"With every fiber of my being." That's a stupid question.

"Okay. Then we have a plan!" The way she says plan makes it sound like a terrible idea before she even starts.

Samantha and Claire are crafty and devious, and sitting there talking to them I realize that they are fighting fire with fire which is something I have not considered. The plan revolves around --- a little blackmail --- to put it bluntly. At first, I was against it but then came to realize that my ex is playing as dirty as dirt can get and the only way to beat her is to play her at the same game.

Samantha is taking most of the lead in explaining what they have come up with "So you see, then we can have that recorded and basically use it as leverage to get them to back down. We don't actually have to use the recording, because while we are playing a little dirty here, we are not actually aiming to ruin lives - we just want them to know that they are up against someone who does not back down as easily as they might have expected?" I think about it for a moment.

"Gianna is not going to like this at all." I say, skeptical but curious about the plan. They have explained it twice and after the second time I am not sure if it is a good plan or not but I am so desperate to grab onto any strand of hope that is available to me, so I am agreeing to this crazy idea.

Samantha chirps "Don't worry. I will get her to do it."

"No" I shake my head, "let me call her. I don't want to cause more issues than I need to. Let me talk to her. If she is genuinely not comfortable with this then I won't push her. I am sure both of you know her history with my brother. It isn't fair to put her in a situation that is going to hurt her in any way."

"Oh, our Gianna is much stronger than you think, Hudson." Cat onesie says.

"Still, I will be the one to call her." It doesn't feel right not to.

They nod. "Well, you better let us know what she says after you have spoken to her." I need friends like hers in my life.

The girls leave and I sit at my kitchen counter wondering what the hell I have agreed to. But there it is. Hope. I will never let go of hope. I stare at the contract. Stark white and glaring back at me.

Picking up my phone I get Gianna on the line.

"Hudson?" She sounds shocked.
