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Shit. I am really bad at this. My nerves are on edge.

"Yes, baby. Sorry. I'm a bit stressed with all the mess. I am going to finish up there and then come over for dinner. Definitely can't be hanging out in my place for a while; they will need to do a big cleanup." She frowns.

I quickly add, "Don't make dinner. We can just order when I get here OK." I practically push her into her house. I feel terrible about leaving her so concerned. She looks so worried. But I have to do this.

"Hudson, just tell me - did I do something wrong?" She asks me.

"You? No, of course not. Sorry, I have to go."

Her face is strained with stress as I walk away. I wave at her, trying to look casual but I think I just look like a total douche.

Slipping back into my house I say, "Guys, we really need to move now. She suspects something is up, I don't think I handled that as well as I would have liked to." Samantha gives me the side eye.

"We have already packed most of the stuff into the car around the back. Sam and I are going to leave now. We want to get everything set up and be out of there before you guys are even close. What time do you think you will be arriving?"

"To be safe, I will say six o'clock?"

"Plenty of time."

My mother comes over to me. "I am going to drive with the girls. Honey, I am so happy for you." She kisses me on the cheek and gives me an awkward hug. She has never been a hugger, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that she has finally accepted Gianna and she is actually happy about what I am planning.

Finally, they snuck out the side door and left in the rental car, stuffed full of decorations and anything else that I needed for the surprise.

I pack a weekend back and taking a deep breath I lock up behind me and head over to Gianna's, nervous as hell.

"Hudson." She was a bit upset when she opened the door. "I haven't seen a single sign of a plumbing van or any van for that matter. What is going on?"

"Baby, you are being silly. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. But because the house smells so bad I have sent Taylor to stay at a friend's for the weekend and you and I are going to stay in a little hotel outside of town. I thought it might be a fun way to relax."

A hotel. I laugh inwardly. It is a mansion, not a hotel. But I want to sound casual.

"Really?" She raises her eyebrow, still skeptical. She knows when I am not telling the whole truth.

"Yes, really. Let's get you packed and then we can head out?"

"What about dinner? I mean it's still early; what is the time? Three o'clock. I am really hungry. Can we get a little snack on the way?" She asks me.

"That sounds perfect." It also gives the girls a little extra time to set up so I am all up for that idea. How do I keep a straight face through a whole meal though?

She doesn't take too long to pack and soon we are on the road. She is fidgety and a little worried, but I can tell that the plumbing story is starting to stick. I hope she does not have any idea what is really happening.

After a stop along the way, a very light lunch, and a glass of wine, we arrive at the mansion at half past six.

It was summer and the sun was still in the sky. I want a sunset proposal, so everything is going perfectly.

I get out of the car and walk to her side to open the door. She is standing next to me. Looking less than impressed with me.

"Ok, Gi," I say nervously. "I need you to trust me."

"Is this the hotel? This looks like --- this doesn't look like a hotel." She is not buying what I am selling.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"Of course, I do." She says but her tone tells me she's not really believing me.

I lean into the back of the car, grabbing what I need and handing her a black box wrapped in a silver ribbon. "Don't look inside yet. Just follow me. Leave your things in the car."

I take her hand and lead her to the front door. I know all the decorations are set up, hidden around the corner of the entrance hall, leading up the stairs.

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