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I wonder if I should do some preemptive damage control. Just to be safe rather than sorry. Who knows what she is capable of and now that she has introduced herself as my neighbor, she might very well be off to sell the story to the press. If I remember the right woman, she works in publishing --- God, she could sell a tell-all book. You never know with her type. Probably living off her new boyfriend's money in this rich neighborhood. I can see she is not old money. The lack of manners for one, and she isn't wearing or clutching any pearls.

I keep my morning walk shorter than I would have liked because all I can focus on is getting back home to call the lawyers and ask them the best way to deal with the neighbor from hell. Again, I am just really desperate to not end up plastered all over social media. My son really needs some stability and peace and not more bullshit from random exes of my pathetic brother. Dammit, he knows how to fucking pick them. I guess someone like him who behaves like trash will also attract trash.

How is it that he finds a way into my life even when I've made such a definite point of cutting him out? I moved into suburban hell, where there's a neighborhood group chat in Messenger, and still he's messing shit up.

I dial the lawyers as soon as I walk in the door, still sweaty and hot-headed after the altercation.

"Tony, yes, I just wanted to run something by you. Can you talk?"

I give him a quick run-down of what has just happened, and he is as shocked as I am.

"Lord, Hudson, the chances of that are so small! You really do just have bad luck." I think it might be a curse at this point; maybe I should consult a psychic after this call.

"That's not really what I want to hear from my lawyer," I called for help; he gets paid to fucking fix shit.

"Yes, sorry, no. But honestly, nothing has actually happened. So, for now, there is really nothing we can, or should be doing apart from just being aware of the situation and my best advice would be to just avoid her at all costs." Is he joking? The hourly rate I pay, and his advice is to avoid the woman next door.

"She lives next door to me. How do you suggest I avoid her?" I ask.

"Just do not engage. No more driveway conversations and stay out of her way. We need to be focused on the custody battle now and it sounds like this woman is a firecracker waiting to ignite so just avoid her. That's it. If she tries to sell some story to the media about you, we will sue her. Shut her down." He's getting paid too much, but I also know he is right. I need my head in the game to get my son.

I sigh and run my hand over my freshly cut hair, cropped short and neat, no-nonsense, just the way I like it.

"I know, you are right. Yes. Okay. I'll just be sure to not bump into her again. I don't need the media hearing that I am living next door to Daniel's ex; that alone would end up online." Their breakup was very public, very ugly and she made him look like a Marvel villain.

"Exactly. Keep your head down. Focus on what is important and listen, I am going through the case again this week and we will need to meet up before the next court date, so I'll have my assistant call your office and set that up okay?" Another day of being coached on what I can and cannot say about my ex. Great.

"Do that. Thanks. Have a good day." My good day has gone to hell, and I wonder if it's worth trying to salvage it, or just embrace the bad mood and be done.

I know he is right. I just have to keep my head down, stay out of sight, and stay away from drama.

As it turns out, avoiding Gianna is going to be a lot more complicated than I had hoped for. She is like a fucking mosquito you can't kill.

It is late afternoon when I walk into the estate gym. It isn't empty but it isn't packed either. However, the moment I walk in I see her. She is at the weights bar, working out on her own. She stands out. Especially in those tight gym pants and crop top. Her curves are a distraction to every guy in here as she moves. I force myself to look away. Avoid her! That cute exterior is a cover; she is nothing but trouble. Beautiful trouble but trouble, nonetheless.

Again, I am annoyed at myself for being drawn to her beauty. All I have to do though is remind myself that she is my brother's ex and that thought manages to pull me out of my stupor so that I can turn my back towards her and focus on my workout. There are other pretty ladies in here to look at.

Slipping my headphones on I get right to it, not wanting to think about her now or ever. Physical exhaustion will clear my cloudy thoughts and make me too tired to think about anything --- so that's my plan. Workout until I drop.

I stand up from the bench press and practically knock her off her feet as she walks past. I pull my headphones off, in time to hear her say, "Oh wow, I'm so sorry." She says it so sweetly and politely, but then turns around to see who she is talking to, and her entire expression changes. "Oh. You." That is all she says to me. But her eyes, say a whole string of words that her mouth doesn't dare.

Her long hair is pulled up into a high ponytail; she has no make-up on yet her bright green eyes are intensely beautiful, framed by long dark lashes. Her cheeks are flushed pink from her workout.

"Hello, Gianna. Sorry for bumping into you; you kind of came out of nowhere though." She just glares at me.

I guess I am not going to get an apology for her disgusting behavior that morning in the driveway or for bumping into me at the gym right now.

I realize I am standing a little too close and move to take a step to the side so she can walk past me, but as I do that she also moves, and we bump into each other again.

I catch a whiff of her scent. She doesn't smell like she's working out. She smells like an advert for body wash. My body brushes against her glowing body and for a second, I am completely lost imagining what it would be like to have her sweaty body against mine and smell her other scents.

Oh, for heaven's sake, Hudson get a grip. This is your brother's ex.

She smirks at me. I am caught. She had seen my eyes run over her body and somehow, I guess it was making her feel like she had some sort of power over me. Sorry, honey, I am not that easy. I step aside again and gesture for her to move along.

She grates me the wrong way with her sassy fucking attitude, and it infuriates me that I actually let her do it. Usually, I have so much more composure than this. What is it about her that frustrates me so much?

"So lovely to see you again, Gianna," I say sarcastically, and then I feel a little bit childish. She just raises an eyebrow at me. But who cares. She is no one and nothing to me.

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