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The restaurant is not too busy so it's easy to find Claire and Samantha when I walk in.

"Gi Gi!" Claire jumps up to give me a big hug. "How did your meeting with the new clients go the other day? Are they officially on the books?" They are so supportive of my career.

"Hey Girls! Yes, they are, I'm so excited! We are getting them set up and the work will start really soon. They are both such good clients to take on. Really good names to have on my list." I am building my brand and A-list clients mean I look good to other A-listers.

Samantha waves the waiter over. "We are going to be needing cocktails. We have reason to celebrate." She's smiling, and her bubbly enthusiasm is contagious. Not that they ever needed a reason to celebrate when it comes to ordering cocktails. I smile as I sit down.

It has been a long day at work, and I need cocktails either way. I'm also just avoiding going home --- the fear of seeing Hudson the hot neighbor again.

Samantha's face goes serious, and she asks "But Gi, do you have any gossip about your new neighbor? I was just telling Claire that it's Daniel's brother who moved in there." Claire looks horrified.

"Well---" I sigh, the last thing I want to do is ruin my day talking about that asshole of a man, but at the same time I do need to vent a little and get rid of this pent-up frustration.

"We keep bumping into each other and I swear, he actually had the audacity to check me out at the gym the other day. He blatantly did a full-body gaze. And every time I bump into him, he is just so incredibly rude. I mean I did already tell you guys about what happened in the driveway the first time I saw him." It makes my heart rate go up just thinking about king-dick next door.

"At the gym? Well obviously, he is going to be checking you out, Gi, you are gorgeous. Every man in there was probably ogling your ass."

I roll my eyes at Claire. "You know I don't want that kind of trouble in my life Claire! I mean --- he is Daniel's brother!"

The waiter brings three strawberry daiquiris and I have a feeling this is going to be one of those nights. "Girls, just a reminder that tomorrow night is girls' night at my place. Maybe let's not go too far down the daiquiri rabbit hole tonight." I remind them we have plans to get wasted then and this needs to be a civilized night out.

Samantha laughs "Oh honey it is already too late. Once the first one arrives it is just too late."

I take a sip of the pink liquid as Claire starts to question me.

"Does he look anything like Daniel? I mean I know I want to murder that man but there is no denying he was hot as fuck."

"Actually, Hudson is way hotter. Good genes seem to be in the family."

Samantha grins "Looks like Hudson isn't the only one with the audacity to do some full-body gazing." Ouch, they're supposed to be on my side.

I laugh. "Yes, you caught me, but damn I mean with a body like he has I don't think he has the same lifestyle as Daniel. You can't be out drinking and partying all the time and still look that fit." He's probably drinking one of those green-kale-smooshed-vegetable things right now.

"Gi, I know, we are joking around and making light of it all, but I am actually really worried about you living right next door to that family."

I shrug, I have kind of already decided that there isn't anything I can do about it other than doing my best to avoid him. Which isn't really working because we live right next door to each other.

"I know, Claire Bear. But what is there for me to do? I have the restraining order. Hudson hasn't actually done anything wrong by moving in next door. I just kind of have to ride it out and watch my back that's all. I cannot afford to move. I just bought this house, and I was there first." I am aware of how childish that sounds.

Samantha is shaking her head. "Absolutely not. You are powerful. Independent woman and you most certainly can do something about it. You don't have time for childish games, Gi. You are busy at work. Things are picking up and you are doing so well. You need to cancel any drama before it has a chance to even start."

Oh dear. Here comes one of Sam's crazy ideas. What will it be this time? Last time she wanted to strap bricks to Daniel's feet and take him for a midnight swim in the middle of the ocean. Her ideas are not always as practical as they seem. She watches too much CSI on TV. But I find myself smiling and encouraging her to share her great idea anyway. I need a laugh.

"Well --- I was thinking --- don't laugh this is serious okay --- I was thinking that you don't know what Daniel is up to with all of this if he is up to anything, but Hudson would definitely know. So basically, you should make friends with Hudson. So that you can get all the inside info." She's lost her mind.

Claire's eyes light up "Oh my word yes! Keep your enemies closer or whatever that saying is; I wouldn't mind keeping hot daddy close." I love my friends, but some days I wonder where they came from.

"Claire Bear!" Samantha laughs. "We are not going to talk about how incredibly sexy some of us think he is! It is not the point here." They've googled him, and I know now they have been deep-dive internet stalking my new neighbor.

The girls are laughing.

I stay quiet for a moment. Contemplating what they have just suggested. It sounds like a terrible idea. Make friends with my ex's brother, but at the same time, it sounds like a brilliant idea. Oh dear. Maybe I just need another daiquiri before I can process this one. Or six, so I can forget they suggested it at all.

Three daiquiris in and we have formulated the entire plan. I am going to be Hudson's new best friend and I will officially be the first to know about all and everything to do with Daniel, therefore I will definitely be able to avoid any devious plans he has for me.

In the moment it seems like the most perfect idea, even though we may have gone over the top with the details. I actually think the basis of it is rather clever. Just be civil to each other at least. It will make life so much easier at home and I won't be tiptoeing around every time I want to go out into the estate just because I don't want to bump into Hudson.

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