Page 39 of Lock

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“Oh, shit! My arm slipped. You okay, buddy?”

“Stay the fuck away from me.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” Lock grabbed Oliver’s hair and yanked his head up before kneeing him in the same place he’d punched. This time, Ollie’s knees failed to hold him up. Lock released his hair so the man could land in a heap on the floor.

“Damn, Ollie,” Spec said. “Looks like you fell. Need a hand up?”

“No! N-no. Don’t touch me.”

Lock gave him a swift kick to the ribs, which had the fucker curling into the fetal position to protect himself from further pain as he coughed and moaned. Blood ran from his nose, combining with a line of spit dangling from the corner of his mouth and pooling on the floor next to his face.

“Stop,” he whispered. “I get it.”

“That’s it, huh? Three hits, and you’re out.” Jinx laughed. “Pussy. Thank fuck Brenna ain’t yours anymore. That woman deserves a whole lot more than you.”


“You done, brother?” Spec asked. “Or you wanna play a little more. Your choice, but you know what gets my vote.”

Oliver moaned and then spit out a gob of blood and saliva.

Lock stared down at the miserable man with pity. “Nah, I’m good. Well, hold on.” He grabbed the front of Oliver’s wrinkled and now bloody shirt and lifted him. “I find out Brenna’s name even leaves your lips, I’ll make sure that pencil dick of yours can’t fuck another woman as long as you live. We clear?”

“C-clear,” Oliver answered. “Never heard that name before.”

“I’ll be paying attention.” He stood abruptly and released Oliver’s head. It hit the floor with a loud crack that had Jinx laughing.

“That sounded like it hurt.”

“You got ten seconds to get your ass off our property, or you won’t be able to leave,” Spec announced. “Ten… nine…”

Oliver scrambled to his feet and stumbled toward the door, bent over and cradling his torso. They all watched with varying levels of amusement and laughter.

But not Lock. He just wanted the fucker gone and never heard from again.

“Nice work, man,” Spec said, clapping Lock on the back as soon as Ollie left. “Good to have you back in action.”

“Thanks. Feels good to be back.” Understatement of the year.

“Come on. Let’s call the prez and fill him in. Think Brooke left us some of that pie she made too, and I’m fucking starving.”

“Hell yeah,” Jinx said before heading toward the kitchen.

Lock shifted his attention to the door, but Spec steered him in the direction Jinx had walked. “I know you wanna go after your woman, but trust me, she needs some time. Frost radioed and said she asked for a ride to your house. He took her. She’s safe.”

Yeah, he wanted to go after her almost as much as he wanted to fuck her, but he had to keep his priorities straight. The club and Caleb.

They were all he could handle at the moment and were what he needed to focus his energy on. Not a woman he barely knew who’d probably have her stuff cleared out and be back at her place before he even got home.

Of course, she would be. There wasn’t any reason for her to stay.

And it wasn’t crushing disappointment he felt at that realization.

When it was still early enough to be considered dawn, Lock finally pulled into his driveway. The babysitter had offered to stay as long as needed so he didn’t have to rush.

He sat on his bike, heart hammering away, and stared at Brenna’s car still parked in his driveway.

She hadn’t left.
