Page 73 of Protecting Paris

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“Seriously?” I arched a brow. “It’s not fair?”

She crossed her arms. “I know we did it this morning… twice.” I tilted my head, and she tossed her arms in the air. “Okay, three times but still, their sex hair looks awesome.”

“We’ll leave y’all to figure out your little dilemma,” Sutton said, and Beau grunted in agreement, and then the four of them disappeared.

“You want it right now, sweetheart? I saw an empty coat closet I’d be more than happy to show you.”

Her nose scrunched, and she tapped her finger on her chin. “Tempting. But there’s too much to do. You can show me later.”

“Promise?” I asked, wrapping my fingers around the back of her neck.

She laid her palm on the side of my face. “I promise.”


“So tell me again why you want me to see this place?”

I swallowed and recited the lie Scotty and I had come up with and rehearsed over and over. “I’m considering buying it, but I don’t know if it’s worth it. I just want you to tell me if you think it’s a good space for weddings.”

“All right.” She looked out the window as we drove through Warrenville and into the neighboring town. “I’m surprised I don’t know where you’re talking about.”

That’s because it’s not a real place. I hated lying to her even though she was about to have the best night of her life. “I didn’t know it either.” I tightened my hold on the steering wheel.

“Why are you acting weird?”

“I’m not acting weird, nerd?”

“Okay, goober,” she mocked in a deep voice.

If I wasn’t so nervous, I’d have laughed. I loved having my sister back. The time she’d spent pushing me away was made up for in spades this past year. After a very short period of Paris acting awkward, she quickly became the annoying older sister I missed so much. She and Scotty had become a staple in Piper’s and my lives.

“Wait… What are you doing here?” she asked quietly as she sat up straight, scanning the long driveway and its meticulously maintained landscaped surroundings. “This is Lemon Lake Manor. It’s not for sale.”

“I know.”

“What’s going on, Austin?” Her voice was soft but panicked.

I squeezed her thigh. “Just relax. You’ll see soon enough.”

“See what?” She gaped as we approached the top of the hill, and the historic mansion came into view.

More like a castle, the house was almost intimidating. But the bright-green grass, bright-colored flowers, and small pond with a soothing water fountain were nothing but inviting.

A ton of sparkling lights were draped in the mature trees, and the walkway was lined with rose petals that led all the way up to the large, arched wrought-iron door. I parked and shut my car off, then walked around to open her door. She was staring ahead, and when I called her name, she startled. “Come on, nerd.”

Her not responding was a sign she was nervous, but her hand shaking and choppy breath had me afraid she was going to pass out as we walked up the stairs. It was almost like she knew why we were here but didn’t want to say anything out loud.

I turned her to me when we reached the door. “Do you know what’s going on yet?”

“Is Scotty in there?”


“Can I see him?”

I shook my head. “Not yet.”

