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It was go time.

“I just need to check on Sofia.”

Sebastian nodded. “She’s upstairs with Abi, still sleeping. I’ve already said my goodbyes.”

“I’ll be quick.”

I made my way upstairs, finding that Sofia was snoozing away, just like he’d said.

“She’ll be fine, Evan,” Abi said from where she sat in a rocking chair. “It’s you I’m worried about.” She pushed to her feet and crossed over to me, reaching up to feel my cheek. “Please be careful. I love you like my very own son, Evan. Come back to us tonight.”

“With Mariah by my side,” I said, knowing it wouldn’t be any other way.

Abi pulled me into a hug, then I took a moment to watch Sofia sleep. She was so tiny. So innocent. I had to ensure she got the future Mariah and I dreamed of for her, complete with all of us. Our little family. It was time to go get Sofia’s mother and bring her home where she belonged.

I kissed her soft cheeks, then left the room before I let my emotions get the best of me.

“Be careful, Evan,” Abi called after me.

I went downstairs to find the security team gathered in the living room. “Okay, everyone,” Sebastian said. “It’s time to head out. Get your gear and meet me at the truck.”

I watched as they quickly scrambled to grab their weapons and equipment, a well-oiled machine ready for battle. They were all focused and prepared, but I couldn't shake the creeping dread tightening around my heart. With every second that ticked by, Mariah remained in danger, and we didn't know if soon it’d be too late.

My thoughts raced as we loaded up into the truck. The familiar smell of leather and metal mixed with the scent of adrenaline. I gripped the edge of my seat, my knuckles turning white as images of Mariah flashed through my mind: her smile, her twinkling eyes, the way her laughter filled my soul with joy.

Sebastian placed a hand on my shoulder. “We'll get her back, son. I promise.”

“She means everything to me.”

“I know, son.” He gave me a reassuring squeeze as the truck rumbled to life. “Ready?”

“More than I’ve ever been,” I said.

“Good. Because we're not stopping until we bring her back.”

My sentiments exactly. We sped toward the Hawthorne clan lands, ready to face whatever lay ahead, willing to cause as much damage as necessary to get Mariah back where she belonged.

Chapter 26


Days blurred together in a haze of darkness and pain, so much so that I couldn't even tell how long I'd been trapped here. My body felt weak, a traitor just when I needed it most, and my mind… I wasn't sure if I could trust it anymore.

I wasn’t even sure what they were doing to me at this point. I hadn’t had any food since I’d arrived however many days ago, and half the time I couldn’t tell what was real and was hallucinated.

“Mariah, hang in there…” Jax’s words echoed through my memory, reminding me of the last time I saw him. That had been real, right? He’d fought to get to me when they’d removed him from his cage, anger glinting in his blue eyes as he was dragged away. I was sure I remembered that.

My arms were heavy and sore, a needle piercing my skin where an IV drip fed into my veins. I was certain they kept me hooked up just so they could easily drain my blood whenever they wanted. Tomas continued to talk about my DNA, how he knew I had what he was looking for. Today, strangely enough, no one had come for another vile sample. Or perhaps I was just losing my sense of time entirely. Who knew if it was morning or night down here?

“Evan,” I said in a whisper. “Where are you?”

I felt like I was losing my grip on reality. Was Evan even real? Were Sofia and Analise just figments of my imagination? That thought terrified me, but in this state, even fear seemed distant. I tried to move, to fight the fog that clouded my thoughts, but my body refused to cooperate.

“Please,” I said to no one in particular. “Help.”

I didn't know if anyone could hear me, if my words reached beyond these cold, sterile walls, or if there was even anyone else down here. But I clung to the hope that someone, somehow, would come for me, and that Evan and Sebastian would find me and take me home where I belonged.

Tears burned behind my eyelids as they slid closed.
