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“Dad would be proud of you, Evan.” Lucas' voice broke through my thoughts when he found me in Sebastian’s office later that day. Mariah was placed in our room, the medic still watching over her with orders to find me immediately if anything changed.

“Thank you,” I said from where I stared out the window. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over everything it touched, but I felt cold inside.

I turned to face him, and agony ripped through me when I saw the same pain I felt mirrored on his face.

“Lucas.” I had no idea what to say, where to start. “I’m so, so sorry.”

It wasn’t enough, though. It would never be. Sebastian was gone. Our father was dead, and we couldn’t come back from that.

I waited for Lucas to lash out, to blame me for our father’s death, for stealing his place as alpha, for bringing chaos and pain to our family. But instead, he stared silently at me for a moment before pulling me into a tight embrace. His arms were strong, comforting, accepting.

“It’s not your fault, Evan. This is on Tomas.” I’d expected his fury, not his compassion, and it was enough to break me all over again. Tears streamed down my face as I allowed myself to feel the full extent of my grief and fear, letting it out in a way I hadn’t allowed myself to yet. Lucas was there for me the entire time.

When I finally pulled myself together, Lucas clasped my shoulders and looked me in the eye. “I want you to know, our father always meant for this role to be yours. It's your birthright. You deserve it. I want you to be the alpha, just as I want you to know that whatever comes next, I'll stand by your side through it all.”

I nodded and swallowed hard. “Thank you, Lucas. That means more to me than you know. I don't have all the answers about what’s next, but I'm glad I won't be facing it alone.”

“Of course not.” He squeezed my shoulder. “We’re family, Evan. Brothers. And brothers stick together, no matter what.”

Our world had changed in the blink of an eye, but as we stood there together, Lucas’s words rang true. We would face whatever challenges awaited us together as brothers. For Mariah, for our father, and for the future of our clan, we would stand against our enemies and protect those we loved.

* * *

The sky was a dark, somber gray as the clan gathered at the edge of the ceremonial grounds. The weight of their collective grief pressed down on me, making it difficult to breathe. I stood before them, my hands shaking slightly as I clutched the piece of paper on which I'd written my father's eulogy.

“Thank you all for coming,” I managed to say. Mariah wasn’t awake yet, but this was something we couldn’t continue to put off. The clan needed closure, and Sebastian deserved this honor.

As I looked into the tear-streaked faces of my clan mates, I couldn't ignore the deep sense of responsibility that’d settled on my shoulders in the past days. They were looking to me for guidance now, for comfort in their darkest hour. I was their new alpha, and I wouldn’t let them down.

“Sebastian Carey,” I said, my voice growing stronger as I found my footing, wanting to be the solid rock for them that he’d always been. “My father. Our alpha. A man of incredible strength and unwavering loyalty to his clan. He loved each and every one of us as if we were his own flesh and blood.”

I paused, swallowing hard, but I could feel Sebastian's presence within, urging me to continue. I took a deep breath and pressed on.

“He considered his entire clan his family, and his loss is felt deeply by all of us here today. Our hearts ache with the knowledge that he’s no longer with us, but we must remember that his legacy lives on in each of us, and while Tomas Hawthorne may think that he has won, he is gravely mistaken.”

My eyes scanned the crowd, meeting the fierce gazes of my fellow dragon shifters.

“Sebastian's sacrifice will not be in vain,” I said. “As long as I draw breath, I will not rest until he is avenged, until the threat of Tomas Hawthorne and his lust for power is eliminated once and for all.”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, and I could feel their resolve strengthening alongside my own.

“Today, we say goodbye to a great man,” I said. “The greatest I’ve ever known. But we also pledge ourselves to the task at hand. We will stand united, as one clan, in the face of our enemy. Sebastian Carey may be gone from this world, but his spirit will live on. May he soar among the stars, forever watching over us, and know that his legacy is in good hands.”

As I stood before my clan, their grief and expectations rested upon my shoulders. It was a responsibility I didn’t take lightly. It wasn’t just my own future at stake, but the fate of every dragon shifter who looked to me for guidance.

“Sebastian was more than just an alpha. He was a father, a mentor, and a friend to many.” I had to stop then and take a deep breath. “He leaves behind a legacy that I will honor until my dying day. I may be stepping into his role, but I do not do so lightly. I promise each and every one of you that I will strive to be an alpha worthy of taking my father's place.”

The silence that followed my declaration was heavy, as if the air itself was holding its breath, waiting for the response of those who’d lost so much.

Then, to my surprise and gratitude, Lucas stepped forward. His eyes met mine briefly before he took a knee before me, baring his neck in a gesture of submission and loyalty. He was my rival once, but the bond of brotherhood was stronger than the past. Now he offered me his support in the most profound way possible.

“Lucas,” I said, my throat tight.

He gave me a small nod, acknowledging the significance of his actions. Then, one by one, the members of the clan followed suit, echoing Lucas’s pledge with their own acts of submission. I was their alpha now, and I meant what I said: I would never take this role lightly. I would dedicate myself to honoring Sebastian’s memory.

“Thank you,” I managed to say, humbled by my clan mates.

Then, together, Lucas and I carried Sebastian's body to the pyre that’d been prepared for him, as was our tradition. The scent of oil and kindling filled my nostrils as I helped lay my father's remains on the platform, the wood creaking gently under his weight.
