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“It did.” Those two words made my anxiety peak once more.

Evan’s eyes searched mine like he was looking for something. “I can sense your dragon. I sensed it the moment you woke up. It’s like my dragon already knew, like he recognized yours.”

He could sense my dragon. It sounded crazy, but it was true. Our connection had always been strong, but now it’d been intensified, an awareness that went beyond my physical body to something…other. Something primal and ancient. A shudder ran through me as my dragon moved, and I gripped Evan even tighter.

He was still watching me like a hawk, like he was ready to do whatever I needed, and I tried to process all of this without totally losing it again, but my breath felt too shallow.

I tried to close my eyes and shut out all the noise, all the spiraling thoughts that threatened to send me straight back to that dark place when Tomas first kidnapped me. The image of Sebastian flashed in my mind again, and I shoved it away, needing to focus on the one thing that might keep me grounded: my connection with Evan, with my mate.

I tried seeking out that awareness I’d felt before, but I didn’t have to look far. It was right there, the intensity so strong it took my breath away. I could feel the impressions of his feelings, same as before, but now they were magnified. I felt his relief and concern, his tenderness and love, and beneath it, the presence of something else: his dragon.

I nearly jerked back again as my own dragon seemed to respond to our…mate.

“Is this what it will feel like with the mate bond?” I said, gesturing between our chests. It was simultaneously awe-inspiring and terrifying. “I can feel you in a way I didn’t before.”

His smile was full of love as he shook his head. “I feel it, too, but it’s not the mate bond. This is just our dragons sensing their mates. It will be stronger once I claim you.”

I didn’t even know how that was possible. My body was shattered, but my mind raced, replaying everything that’d happened back in the lab.

How was it possible that Tomas had gotten to me not once, but twice? And now he’d turned me into…this?

“I know this sounds weird because I’m so grateful to be alive,” I whispered, “but part of me wishes that meant the serum hadn't worked."

Evan wrapped his arms around me, and I felt a pulse of pain through our connection. Heartache maybe?

“I will never regret your life being spared, Mariah. Human or dragon, you’re here with me, and that’s what matters most.”

I nodded, but I didn’t even know where to begin. It was all so much. So overwhelming. The mere idea of come to terms with what was done to me felt like teetering in front of a black abyss, like if I let myself think too hard about the fact that Tomas had taken away my humanity, that there was a living thing inside of me, I’d truly fall.

I simply couldn’t do that, not when everyone else had lost so much, too. Sebastian was gone. The family was grieving. Tomas was still out there, with a serum that apparently did exactly what we’d feared. There would be time for me to process all of this, and honestly, I’d rather tuck it all away rather than deal with it right now.

So, I took several deeper breaths, willing myself to hold it together, and I didn’t miss the relief that flashed across Evan’s face when I gave him a tremulous smile.

“It’s all going to be okay,” he said. “I swear to it.”

“So, what now?” I said. “If this serum worked on me…”

Evan sighed heavily. “I know what you’re getting at. The serum worked. We have no idea what the consequences of this could be. There’s no doubt we have to stop Tomas before he can use it on anyone else. But first, you need to recover.” He looked me over again without as much panic. “You’ve been through a lot, Mariah. How are you feeling…physically?”

It was obvious I might have been holding it together now, but my hold on my emotions felt tenuous at best.

“I’m sore,” I said. “But I wasn’t in good condition before Tomas injected me.”

Evan’s eyes flashed gold, and he bared his teeth, and I felt an echo of his rage in my chest. My…dragon seemed to respond to the emotion.

“He’s going to pay, Mariah. I swear to you. If it’s the last thing I do—”

“No! Don’t say that.” I shook my head and winced as I shifted slightly in his arms. “We’ve already lost enough.”

Evan nodded. “Enough about that right now. I’m more concerned about you. Are you hungry? Is there anything I can get you?”

I became aware of the warm scent of cinnamon wafting through the air the minute he said it, and my stomach rumbled. “I am, believe it or not.”

How I had an appetite was beyond me, especially as I still fought to keep my emotions at bay, to ignore this movement, this presence in my chest.

Evan helped me out of the bed, supporting my waist as I wrapped my arms around his waist. My legs weren’t as weak as I’d thought they be, despite the fact I’d been unconscious for a week.

“That’s normal,” Evan said, catching me looking down at my legs and frowning. “Now that your transformation is complete, you’ll heal much faster. You’ll be so much stronger. And as your dragon starts to—”
