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"Perhaps we could offer them legal shares in stocks.” Sebastian angled his head in thought. “They'll still get a payout, just not a direct one, and it won’t be dirty money.”

My eyes narrowed as I considered the idea. I hated the thought of Sebastian having to sacrifice anything else because of Tomas’s hatred and greed—he’d dealt with enough already, just as I had—but I couldn't deny the logic there.

"Sebastian, I don't like the idea of you having to give up anything for this stupid rivalry," I said. Frustration vibrated through me as I stared at the list of names. "You've done so much already, and now we're dragging you even deeper into this mess, all because I'm your son."

Sebastian placed a hand firmly on my shoulder, his face steady and reassuring. "Evan, this is about more than just me. You are my son, yes, but this is about so much more than that. It’s about protecting our family: Mariah, Sofia, and everyone else who’s suffered because of Tomas. It’s not a sacrifice for me. It’s just money. It means nothing compared to keeping all of you safe."

I took a deep breath. Despite our rocky past, there was no denying the bond we shared as father and son. All the years apart, the banishment, the secrets—none of that changed what went deeper than I’d ever realized. He was right. We needed to do whatever it took to end this, to outsmart Tomas and protect those we loved.

“Okay, let's do it. We'll offer something valuable enough to get their attention, but we won't let them manipulate us. We’ll be better than Tomas."

Sebastian nodded. "We'll find a way to break their alliance with Tomas without stooping to his level."

“Okay, let's find out more about these men on our list."

We continued strategizing through the morning, devising our plan of action, digging up whatever we could about the targets. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, my sense of hope held strong, and with Sebastian by my side, we could face whatever Tomas threw our way.

“Here’s something.” Sebastian handed me a paper he’d been perusing. "Ronald Bennett. I know him. He's a hotel mogul here in Texas. Sketchy guy—one of the reasons I’ve never done business with him. But if we get him to come to your side, his influence might be our best shot at getting through to the others."

"Let's see what he's up to tonight,” I said, pulling out my phone to search for any information on Ronald Bennett. It didn't take long for me to find his social media profile, littered with pictures of his lavish lifestyle and various high-profile events he attended.

"Looks like he's going to a charity event tonight, two hours from here," I informed Sebastian, showing him the post. "Think we can get ourselves an invite?"

"Leave that to me.” Sebastian flashed me a confident grin, already punching in a number on his phone. He sounded smooth and persuasive. "Yes, hello, my son and I would like to attend the charity event this evening… Of course, we're more than happy to make a generous donation."

I felt a surge of pride as I watched Sebastian work his magic. Despite our complicated past, he had always been there for me when it mattered most, and now, as we embarked on this mission together, I knew we were an unstoppable team.

"Done," Sebastian said in satisfaction, hanging up the phone. "We're on the guest list."

“Perfect.” I grinned back at him and flexed my fingers in anticipation, eager to do anything that’d make progress.

“What do you need to take care of before we go? We shouldn’t delay. We have a long drive ahead of us and an even longer night. I’m guessing you don’t have a tux at the ready?”

I laughed. “Wasn’t high on my priority list when I came here. I’ll need to rent one, I suppose. I also want to talk to Mariah and run our plan by her so she’s in the loop.”

“Of course.” Sebastian glanced at his watch. “I have a guy that can get a tux delivered in a couple hours. Just give me your measurements and I’ll take care of it.”

I gave him what he needed, then made my way downstairs to find my mate. Hopefully, she’d be just as excited as I was about this next step. Anything was better than sitting around waiting.

"Mariah,” I said once I found her in our room, absorbed in her laptop. “Sebastian and I have got a plan for our first target. One of the guys on the list Jax sent over, Ronald Bennett. Apparently he’s some kind of hotel mogul. He’s attending a charity event tonight.” I quickly relayed the rest of the information. “We think the threat of prison time might do the trick, but we have a back-up plan if necessary.”

"Wow, you guys move fast,” she said. "You're right, though. That’ll put fear into any man, especially if the evidence is incriminating enough." She grinned. "I told you Jax would come through for us, didn't I?"

Just hearing her say his name stirred a tinge of jealousy in me, and my dragon growled possessively within. I took a deep breath, struggling to restrain him. There was no logical reason to feel threatened by Mariah's confidence in Jax, but it didn’t seem as if we were being very rational these days. Not when it came to our mate.

"Are you okay?" Mariah said as she studied my face.

"I'm fine.” I stepped closer, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “I just don’t like the idea of leaving you. We'll be heading out pretty soon, gone until tomorrow morning. I need to pack, and Sebastian has a tux on the way—”

“A tux? I can't wait to see you in that.” Mariah’s eyes lingered over my body, igniting a need deep within me.

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed," I teased, smirking at the way her cheeks flushed.

She rolled her eyes and swatted my shoulder. “So full of yourself.” She laughed, but then she wrapped her arms around me. "Be careful, Evan. Promise me you'll be safe."

"I swear,” I murmured into her honey-brown hair, holding her tightly. “I’ll be right back home before you know it.” Back to her and Sofia, where I belonged.

After one last lingering kiss, I set about packing. Mariah stayed with me, chatting and acting like it was no big deal, but I didn’t miss the look in her eyes: a strange mix of apprehension and determination that I felt echo through my bones. This confrontation with Ronald Bennett was only the beginning of our fight against Tomas and his network of allies, and I’d no doubt that we would emerge victorious. I just hoped we wouldn't have to pay too high a price.
