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I finished packing, spent a few minutes cuddling and playing with Sofia in her room, then Mariah and I went downstairs to find Sebastian and Abi waiting in the living room. His eyes were focused on the series of papers laid out before him.

Sebastian looked up when I entered the room, folding the papers and tucking them into his pocket. “I got our tuxes. You just about ready?"

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Sebastian gave me a quick briefing on the additional security he’d put in place to protect Mariah and Sofia while we were gone. Confident they’d be safe here, I turned to her, wrapping her in my arms.

“I’ll be back in the morning. Don’t worry about me.”

“Please be careful, you two," Mariah whispered, her eyes filled with concern when she pulled back, glancing between the two of us.

“I promise. I love you.” I held her gaze. “I’ll be right back by your side as soon as possible.”

Sebastian and I made our way outside, with Mariah and Abi trailing behind us. I gave her one last kiss, then smiled at the woman who’d raised me for half my childhood, the woman who’d been a mother to me. “You’re both in great hands.”

Abi wrapped an arm around Mariah’s waist. “Don’t worry about us. Just be safe.”

The drive to Austin flew by while Sebastian and I focused on the task at hand, talking through various scenarios and fine tuning what we’d say to Ronald. When we checked into our hotel, I felt the weight of the situation pressing down on me. So much hinged on the success of this mission. If we weren’t able to persuade Hawthorne’s cronies, the rest of our plan for Rosalind to drop the custody suit would slip right between our fingers.

"Are you ready for this, son?” Sebastian asked as we prepared for the gala in our hotel room. "Once this ball starts rolling, there's no turning back."

I looked at the man who had raised me, who’d only recently revealed himself as my biological father. “I’m more than ready," I said. "Let's bring this bastard down."

We changed into our tuxedos, my thoughts on Mariah and Sofia. They only fueled my resolve not just to stop Tomas, but to build a life with them free from danger and filled with love. That future hinged on how this plan played out. I could not fail.

"Looking sharp," Sebastian remarked once we were dressed, adjusting his cufflinks. He gave me a grin. “Let's go make some powerful men very uncomfortable."

* * *

The opulent ballroom sparkled beneath the chandeliers once we entered the gala. Guests dressed in designer gowns and custom-tailored tuxedos mingled effortlessly, the atmosphere thick with wealth and ambition. I felt slightly out of place among such extravagance. Despite my own wealth, this wasn’t my scene at all, but I still knew how to handle myself among the elite. I squared my shoulders and followed Sebastian around the room.

"Sebastian Carey!" a man exclaimed, zeroing in on us immediately. He was quickly joined by a small group of businessmen who encircled Sebastian, eagerly shaking his hand and firing off questions about his latest ventures.

“Good evening, gentlemen. Allow me to introduce my son, Evan," Sebastian said, placing a hand on my shoulder. The men turned to face me, their surprise evident. It was clear they weren’t aware Sebastian had another son besides Lucas. We might have been in a room mostly filled with humans, but it still wasn't common for alphas to publicly acknowledge their illegitimate offspring. The pride in Sebastian's eyes spoke volumes, though. None of that mattered to him, and warmth spread through my chest as I realized just how much our rekindled relationship meant to him—and to me.

"Nice to meet you all," I said, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with the group. I privately marveled at the surreal nature of it all. Just a short time ago, I were completely unaware of my true parentage, and now here I was, standing alongside my father, united in our mission to bring down Tomas.

After making small talk for a few minutes, Sebastian and I resumed our walk around the room, keeping an eye out for our target while greeting and chatting with various guests. I noted the way Sebastian navigated the world of high society with ease, charm oozing from his every word and gesture. It was a skill I’d honed over the years as well in my own business ventures. I was only now realizing I’d come by it naturally.

"Over there," Sebastian murmured about thirty minutes after we arrived, nodding subtly toward a portly man with a bushy mustache: Ronald Bennett, hotel mogul, and our first target in dismantling Tomas’s empire. “You ready for this?”

“Absolutely.” I narrowed my gaze on the man, determination fueling my steps as we approached him from behind.

"Ronald, good to see you," Sebastian said smoothly. "I'd like you to meet my son Evan."

Ronald whirled around, surprised as he took us in. “Sebastian Carey. I didn’t expect to see you here. Of course, it’s always a pleasure.” Ronald eyed me warily as he extended his hand. "And, Evan, nice to meet you."

"Likewise," I said firmly. It was time to get down to business and I wasn’t in the mood for beating around the bush. “We heard about your involvement with Tomas and the casino at your hotel. We have some information that might interest you."

Ronald's eyes narrowed, his cordial demeanor slipping away as he lowered his voice. "What kind of information?"

"Let's just say it involves some less-than-legal activities," Sebastian said. "The sort that could land a man in prison for a very long time."

Ronald’s eyes were dinner plates. "Are you threatening me?" he hissed, glancing around as if he were afraid someone was listening.

"Merely presenting the facts," I said in a low voice. "We don't want any trouble. Just to let you know that we're aware of the…situation, and that you may want to reconsider your association with Tomas."

“I don’t know what it is you think you know,” he grumbled, “but I’m not involved in any—”
