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Evan shook his head. “You won’t be away from me for a moment. These are humans. I’d sense the danger before it ever became a real threat.”

That made me feel better, and I already trusted him with my life.

“Besides,” he said with a smirk, “you’ve seen my wings before. If there were a real threat, I’d use them to shield you.”

My eyes jerked up. “They can do that?”

He winked. “They’re bulletproof, baby.”

“Does that mean you’re on board with the plan?”

Evan sighed. “You do keep insisting you want to be part of my world. I guess I should start letting you.”

“It’s settled, then.” I glanced back in Sebastian’s direction, but he’d already disappeared from the room.

When I looked back at Evan, he looked hungry again, but not for what’d driven us downstairs in the first place. He moved closer, settling himself between my legs, where he’d been before Sebastian came in. “Now, where were we?”

Chapter 11


My finger hovered over the mouse as the new email popped up on my computer screen. It was from Caterina.

I honestly couldn’t believe I was doing this. Was I seriously preparing my mate to meet with the owner of a questionable escort service? It made me sick to my stomach to know I’d have to act like I was practically pimping Mariah out. I knew it was a charade, but that didn’t make it sit any better with me.

I clicked the email before I could overanalyze it to death. A few days after we decided on our next course of action, I’d sent Caterina some pictures of Mariah that I’d taken while we were in Miami. They were gorgeous, her eyes sparkling as she looked at me by that fountain, the golden streaks in her light brown hair shining in the moonlight. Caterina would be an idiot not to hire her.

That thought alone was enough to make me grimace and growl, my blood boiling in my veins. It was getting harder and harder to keep myself under control. The need to claim Mariah was growing stronger with each passing day, my jealous streak bordering on possessive.

It was irrational to feel like I was selling Mariah to the highest bidder when this was an excellent opportunity to clamp Hawthorne’s business in a vise.

Scanning the email, I wasn’t surprised to find Caterina wanted to meet with us as soon as possible. Mariah was stunning, the most gorgeous woman in the world as far as I was concerned, and Caterina was a shrewd businesswoman. She knew what kind of money Mariah could bring in.

Smoke billowed from my nostrils at the thought, and I shoved my chair back from the computer, growling under my breath. I needed to get myself under control. The longer I put off claiming my mate, the worse this was going to get. As it was, my dragon was constantly prowling through my subconscious, demanding I put her above everything else.

But we had to get this dumpster fire with Tomas settled first. Then Mariah and I could move forward.

The fastest way to make that happen was to follow through with our plan. I returned to my desk and tapped out a quick reply, letting Caterina know we’d be available to meet in two days’ time. Sebastian had already told us we could make use of his private jet, and we could leave for New York whenever we were ready.

Once the email was sent off, I closed my computer and went straight to Sebastian’s office to update him on this latest development.

“I heard back from Caterina,” I told him as I walked through the door without even knocking. “Do you think the jet could be ready by morning?”

Sebastian looked up from his work. Normally I waited for him to invite me in, but he didn’t seem upset. “Of course. I’ll go ahead and let the pilot and crew know to be ready. What time are you thinking?”

I sank down into the chair across from him, keeping my breathing steady and my thoughts under wraps so I wouldn’t lose my grip. “As early as possible. We’ll only be gone for a few days. I can take some time to sort a few things out at the clubs, and I know Mariah would love to spend some time with her friend Analise while we’re there.”

“We only have three weeks until the hearing,” Sebastian said, though I didn’t need a reminder.

“I know.” I nodded grimly. “We need to move fast if we’re going to get Rosalind what she wants.”

“We can do this, son.” Sebastian sounded so certain. “I have every bit of faith in you and Mariah. But even if things don’t go as planned—”

“We have no other choice,” I said furiously. The idea of Sofia being anywhere near the Hawthornes nearly made my wings sprout.

Sebastian held his hands up in a placating gesture. “All I’m saying is that if this case ends up going to court, I’ll get you the very best lawyers money can buy. Tomas will never get his hands on Sofia, I can assure you of that.”

I already had the best family lawyer in New York City, but a sense of calm settled over me when I heard his offer. I wasn’t in this alone, not by any means. I had an entire clan who’d back me up at Sebastian’s request. Sebastian was in my corner—how could I possibly lose?

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