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My cheeks flushed, but I couldn't deny how much I wanted that, too. “I’m looking forward to it,” I said.

Another rumbling growl, and then Evan closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “That might be the only thing that gets me through this.”

* * *

The wind whipped between the tall skyscrapers, creating goosebumps on my skin when Evan and I exited the car he’d hired for the meeting. The building loomed above us, and I couldn’t be sure if I shivered from the breeze or the nerves threatening to consume me. My heart pounded in my chest, palms sweaty against the fabric of the tight black dress.

"Are you okay?" Evan said, his warm breath tickling my ear.

“I’m nervous,” I said, glancing up at him with wide eyes. I hadn’t thought it would hit me like this. I hadn’t been this nervous when confronting Rosalind in Miami, but maybe it was because then I was just being myself. Today, I was pretending to be an escort.

Evan squeezed my hand. "I'll be right beside you the whole time, Mariah. Always."

His words brought comfort, but the nerves remained, coiling like a serpent in the pit of my stomach. Taking a deep breath, I nodded, and we approached the entrance.

A burly security guard stood just inside the door when we entered. He held out a hand and signaled us to stop. "Weapons check," he grunted, his gaze lingering on me a moment too long for my taste.

"Of course," Evan said smoothly, allowing the man to pat him down first. His hands roamed over Evan's muscular body, checking every possible hiding spot for a weapon. Then he turned his attention to me.

Evan's jaw tightened, and I could see the gold flecks dancing in his eyes as he struggled to keep his dragon in check. The guard's hands were too familiar as they searched my body, making my skin crawl.

“Okay, you're clear," the guard said as he stepped back. "Go on in."

"Thanks," Evan muttered, guiding me deeper into the building with a protective hand on my lower back.

The interior was dimly lit but opulently decorated. Clearly, Caterina had made plenty of money with her dirty dealings. Evan's tension radiated off him in waves, and I knew he was just as on edge as I was when we stopped in front of a bank of elevators.

"Remember," he said softly, “if things go south, let me handle it."

"Right," I whispered, steadying my breathing and calming my racing heart.

The elevator dinged, and an attendant eyed me as we stepped inside.

“We have a meeting with Ms. Velez,” Evan said smoothly, and the attendant nodded, pressing the button for the top floor. We rode up in silence, stepping out when the door whooshed open to reveal a giant waiting room. I noticed the women who lingered about. They wore sultry smiles and clothes that left little to the imagination, much like mine, though they looked a hundred times more comfortable in their own skin. My pulse jumped as they looked over, sizing me up like a piece of fresh meat. But what bothered me the most were the lustful looks they cast Evan's way, as if they wanted to devour him on the spot. They had no consideration for the fact that he was with me.

Because he isn’t yours, I reminded myself. Not here. I had to be careful or I might blow our cover as easily as Evan.

"Stick close to me.” Evan’s tone was low and reassuring as he placed a hand on my lower back. I nodded, feeling a little safer with him at my side.

A well-dressed man approached us. "Please make yourselves comfortable in the sitting area. Caterina will see you shortly."

"Thank you.” Evan guided me to a plush sofa, and I tried to keep my anxiety from showing. I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths, attempting to steady my racing thoughts.

“You look so fucking hot,” Evan whispered as he leaned in close, his breath tickling my ear. "I wish I could just devour you right now.”

"Maybe later," I teased, offering him a small smile. "You're supposed to be acting as my pimp, remember?"

"Ugh, don't remind me.” His face contorted into a scowl.

The door to the office swung open, revealing a tall blonde woman exuding an air of authority. Her icy blue eyes met mine, though she commanded the attention of the entire room. "Stand up."

I obeyed on instinct, but my legs trembled slightly beneath me. She scrutinized me from head to toe, her gaze lingering on the exposed skin where the dress barely covered my thighs. It took all my strength not to shudder under her invasive stare.

"Come inside," she said after a moment. Apparently, I’d passed her initial approval.

We followed her into the dimly lit office, Evan's hand still firmly on my back as she rounded her desk and took a seat. We settled into the high-backed chairs on the other side of a massive mahogany desk. Caterina shuffled some papers, glancing at them before looking up at Evan.

"I never took you for this type of entrepreneur, Mr. Guerrero," she said coolly.
