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"Everyone's got to make money somehow," Evan said. The sleaze in his tone, however, took me by surprise. I had to remind myself it was all an act. “And I have a good eye for quality."

Caterina's gaze drifted over to me, and I held my breath, appearing calm and confident so I’d look the part I was playing. She leaned forward, clasping her hands together on the desk. "So, Mariah, let’s get straight to the point. Tell me about your limits. Are you willing to sleep with your clients?"

I swallowed hard, taken aback by the question, but I forced myself to maintain eye contact. "Well," I said hesitantly, improvising. "I've never actually…been with a man before." My cheeks flushed, but I pushed through the embarrassment. "But I'm open to new experiences."

Caterina's eyes widened, and she licked her lips in anticipation, her mouth curving into a cat-like smile. "You're telling me you’re a virgin? My, my, there are plenty of men who’d pay top dollar to deflower such a beauty."

My stomach twisted into knots, but I kept my composure, looking down demurely and letting my hair fall over my face like a shield. I could sense the tension coursing through Evan as his hands balled into fists, but somehow he managed to keep himself in check.

"Of course," I said, trying my best to sound innocent and naive. "If that's what they want."

Caterina leaned back in her chair, a predatory grin spreading across her face. "Oh, I'm sure we'll have no trouble finding clients for you, darling."

I forced a smile, my heart pounding in my chest. All I wanted was to get out of this room and away from this woman, but we had to see this through, for Evan, for our family, for all the girls who'd suffered at Tomas’s hands.

“In that case,” Evan said, “We're looking forward to working with you, Caterina."

"Likewise." Her eyes lingered on me one last time before returning to her paperwork. "Now, let's discuss the details about your cut for recruiting this lovely girl here."

I glanced sideways at Evan, my heartbeat quickening as I wondered how he’d shift the conversation toward our true purpose. He leaned back in his chair, a confident smirk on his lips.

"Actually, Caterina, my price isn't a percentage.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What I want is for you to pull your investments from Tomas Hawthorne’s casinos… and stop providing girls to him altogether."

Caterina's perfectly manicured eyes flew up in surprise, but she quickly recovered, laughing lightly. "Evan, darling, we both know that's where the real money is. Why on earth would I do that?"

"Because," Evan said in a cold tone, "if you don't, I'll expose what happened to those underaged girls who were assaulted at Tomas’s hands. I have their names, and I'm not afraid to go public with them.”

Caterina's laughter died in her throat, and her face went pale. She tried to play it off, forcing a smile as she waved a hand in dismissal. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really?" Evan challenged, leaning forward with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Because I also have video footage of the assaults, as well as the transaction records proving Tomas paid you to keep quiet."

My stomach churned at the thought of the horrifying evidence Evan had gathered, and at the idea that Tomas filmed such things, but I knew in my heart it was true. He’d threatened to do as much to me. It was all the more reason to bring this corrupt empire to the ground.

Caterina stared at him, wide-eyed and speechless, clearly struggling to maintain her composure. Evan held eye contact, a fierce determination in his face which made me so proud. He was braver and stronger than any man I’d ever known, and his heart was just as big. My love wouldn’t rest until justice was served.

"Pull your investments and stop providing girls to Tomas," he said again. "That's my price. Take it or leave it."

"Show me the footage, then," Caterina said, her breathing heavy, eyes narrowing. "Prove it."

Evan didn't hesitate. He pulled a series of photos from his jacket pocket and laid them on the desk between us. My stomach churned, and I looked away, not wanting to see what images they held.

As if that wasn't enough, Evan produced another document and placed it alongside the photos—evidence of the undocumented girls exploited by Tomas and his associates.

I wondered how Evan managed to acquire such damning proof. But as I glanced at him, a small grin tugging at the corner of my lips, I realized it must have been Jax's doing.

"Still think I'm bluffing?"

Caterina wore a mask of rage and fear while she stared at the incriminating evidence laid out before her. She clenched her fists, visibly struggling to maintain control.

"Fine," she spat through gritted teeth. “You’ve got me. Well-played bringing her in here.” She glared at me. “But why? Why do this to me? Is this some kind of vendetta?"

"This isn't about you, Caterina. It's about Tomas. Take my deal, hold up your end of the bargain, and I'll make sure all of this is erased from existence, and that Tomas can't use it against you later."

"You're asking me to sacrifice a fortune!" Caterina said, her eyes flicking back and forth between the documents and Evan's unyielding expression. "How can you expect me to choose?"

"Because sometimes there are more important things than money," Evan said. "And with one phone call, this will be released to the public. Do you really want to take that risk? I've set up an account for those girls who’ll be out of a job once you pull your stake. It's more than enough to compensate their income loss, and whatever portion you'll lose in the process. Plus, there's enough in there for them to leave if they choose to do so."

Caterina's nostrils flared, and her eyes blazed with fury, but she was cornered. The weight of Evan's words hung heavy in the air, leaving no room for further argument. Her fingers trembled as she looked down at the photos.

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