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Sebastian put a hand over his jaw. "It won't be long before he catches on, if he hasn't already.” That’s what we were counting on. “We just have to be careful about how we respond. They can't know someone on the inside has been helping us."

"Jax,” I muttered. I’d been so sure we couldn’t trust Tomas’s son. Now it appeared I’d been mistaken. He’d been on our side all along, risking everything to bring his father down. "We can't let Tomas find out.”

"Exactly." Sebastian rounded the desk and rested a hand on my shoulder. “We continue to hit him where it hurts, but we must remember what a delicate game we're playing. One wrong move could cost us everything."

Dragon fire burned within me at the thought of failure. It was a possibility I wouldn’t even entertain. "Then, let's make sure we don't make any wrong moves."

Sebastian's eyes were filled with the same determination. “We’ll bring Tomas down and protect those we love. And when he falls,” Sebastian said, a fierce glint in his eye, “we'll be there to make sure it’s for good.”

* * *

It took three days for Tomas to crack. I was in the kitchen making coffee when Sebastian burst in, a triumphant grin on his face.

“Another one of Tomas’s backers just pulled out.” He practically vibrated with anticipation, a world of difference from his typically stoic demeanor.

“Tell me more.” I sat the coffee pot down, grabbing my mug and following him to his office. He updated me along the way.

“A large distribution company received an anonymous email exposing their fraudulent dealings with him. They were using undocumented workers that he provided, underpaying and overworking them. Now they're cutting ties with him to save their image."

“That's exactly what the bastard deserves. The more people turning against him, the better. He’s going to have a hard time recovering from this.”

“That’s the plan,” Sebastian concurred. "And it’s working even better than we expected.”

We’d barely made it to the office when Sebastian’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen, then back at me, his expression tight. “Speak of the Devil.”

He answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Sebastian, you bastard," Tomas snarled from the other end of the line. “What the hell are you doing? You and Evan are sticking your noses where they don’t belong, messing with my business."

“I’d heard rumors about your dirty laundry piling up,” Sebastian said. “But I can't take credit for that."

"Stop playing dumb," Tomas said in a growl. His rage was palpable. “Whatever you’re up to, whatever you’re telling people, you need to stop. If you don't back off, there will be hell to pay."

"Threats don't become you, Tomas.” I remained calm and steady, despite the pure hatred coursing through my veins. This man was my mortal enemy. A murderer. I was going to enjoy watching everything he’d built crumble to the ground. “But if you're looking for someone to blame, perhaps you should take a long, hard look in the mirror."

"Your feigned ignorance is pathetic," Tomas said. “You think I don’t know you two were spotted speaking with Ronald? And I'm well aware of your recent activities in New York." His laugh had a dark, coarse glee to it. “Though, I must say, Mariah would make a lovely addition to Caterina’s offerings.”

Fire churned within me, enraged that he’d dare speak about my mate like that. “You deserve everything you get, Hawthorne.”

Sebastian placed a hand on my arm, shaking this head slightly: a warning not to let him get to me.

“Ha! You underestimate me. Both of you. You've gone too far, messed with my business.”

But I couldn’t hold back. “That’s all it’s about to you, isn’t it, Tomas?” I said. “Greed. Power. All you care about is getting more. You don’t care who you hurt along the way.”

Tomas chuckled. “Oh, you mean like your mommy?”

I saw red, and my wings unfurled from my back, knocking over several lamps and vases in Sebastian’s office. Sebastian’s gaze was piercing as he stared me down, silently willing me to keep it together.

“Enough of this,” he said. “What’s your point, Tomas? Why did you call? Just to fling accusations?”

“I’m calling to let you know I’m onto you, and if you don't stop, there will be consequences."

Sebastian merely smiled, unfazed by the threat. “If you're looking for skeletons in our closets, you won't find any. The only one I had was the fact that I had an illegitimate son." My chest tightened, but Sebastian caught my eye and gave a small, reassuring smile. "While I may not be proud of everything I've done, I don't regret Evan's existence. My businesses are legitimate, unlike yours."

"Keep pushing me, and you'll regret it," Tomas said.

"Are you done throwing your tantrums, Tomas?" Sebastian said disdainfully, "We have better things to do than listen to your empty threats."
