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“I have no other choice,” I said, sounding confident, but in truth, my nerves were all over the place. This last-minute wrench with Rosalind had me so on edge I could hardly focus.

I took my seat at the front of the courtroom, Mariah sitting directly behind me. I scanned the room, looking for Rosalind's familiar auburn hair, but there was no sign of her. The minutes ticked by, but it felt like hours before the judge finally entered.

“Order in the court!” the bailiff said as the judge took his seat, stern-faced and imposing in his black robe. I held my breath, hoping against hope that Rosalind wouldn't make an appearance.

“Let the proceedings begin,” the judge said, and my heart raced even faster.

Here we go…

“Calling Rosalind Hawthorne to the stand,” the bailiff said as his voice echoed through the courtroom.

I drummed my fingers on my thigh, waiting for her to appear, but the seconds stretched on and on, and there was still no sign of her. Had she simply decided not to show up? But if that were the case, why had she left the island?

“Your Honor, may we proceed without Miss Hawthorne?” our attorney said.

“Very well,” the judge said in an impatient voice. “We'll move forward with the hearing.”

“Thank you, Your Honor," Ms. Shaw said, and I exhaled with a shaky breath. It seemed that for now, at least, we had caught a break.

Despite the temporary reprieve, my nerves were still frayed as the proceedings continued. Each question from the attorneys, each witness statement, only added to the tension in the room. I couldn't shake the feeling that everything could change in an instant if Rosalind appeared.

“Stay focused,” Mariah murmured from behind me, as if she sensed my unease. “Everything is going well so far.”

She was right, but my instincts were on high alert, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew how the Hawthornes operated, and while I couldn’t see the point, it was entirely possible Rosalind had set us up to fail. Still, I clung to the hope that this would work out in our favor.

Just when it seemed like we might get through this without Rosalind showing up, the courtroom doors burst open, and in she waltzed. Her auburn hair cascaded down her back, and her hazel eyes met mine with a smug smile. My heart dropped. In a second flat, she’d managed to erase any sense of relief I'd felt moments ago. She’d fooled us once again.

I wanted to scream, to rage, but I managed to keep control. I wouldn’t let her see me lose it now, not when so much was on the line.

“Miss Hawthorne,” the judge said in a gruff voice. “You are late, and your entrance has disturbed the sanctity of this court. This is a serious hearing, and I expect punctuality and respect from all parties involved.”

“My apologies, Your Honor,” Rosalind said with saccharine sweetness. “I assure you I won't take long.”

My blood boiled at the sheer audacity. I forced myself, however, to take deep breaths.

“Very well,” the judge said, clearly unimpressed. “Please take your seat.”

Rosalind sauntered over to her place, never breaking eye contact with me. If we hadn't been in court, I'd have half a mind to wipe that smug look right off her face, but for Sofia's sake, I kept my anger in check.

The judge called the bailiff over, and there was more murmuring among the crowd, but they fell into silence when the judge banged his gavel.

“Miss Hawthorne, please stand and address the court.”

I glanced back at Mariah, who gave an encouraging nod, though her lips were set in a thin line, her eye moving constantly over to Rosalind. The tension in the courtroom was palpable when Rosalind stood, a gleam in her eyes. I braced myself for another one of her manipulative tactics, wondering what the hell she was going to do now.

“Your Honor,” she said, “I’ve decided to drop the suit. I have no further desire to pursue custody of my daughter.”

The room went silent as the judge just glared. “Let me get this straight, Miss Hawthorne. You show up to my court late, cause a disturbance, and now you are officially withdrawing your suit?”

“Actually, Your Honor, I’d already put in the request to recant my lawsuit,” she said, looking over at me. “It should have arrived well before this hearing, but it seems it never made its way to you. I am sorry if it caused any disruption.”

I leaned back in my chair in shock. This couldn't be the work of anyone but Tomas. Somehow, he’d intercepted the request, determined to keep this battle going, and I clenched my fists, feeling the anger simmering beneath the surface. This shouldn’t have surprised me. He wasn’t going to make this easy on any of us.

“I truly do apologize,” Rosalind said. “I wasn’t sure if I would even be able to appear here today. My safety is at risk simply appearing in court.”

“Are you admitting that you're a danger to yourself and your child?” the judge said, her expression stern.

The courtroom seemed to hold its breath as we all waited for Rosalind's response. Was this really happening?
