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My grin is so huge that my cheeks burn. I’ve learned that it’s wise to take Kris’ orders. So I do just that and I waste no more seconds on getting started.



I hang up the phone and burst out of my room and down the stairs to where my parents are having lunch.

“Guess who’s getting airfare and hotel accommodation covered to go to, wait for it…”

My parents look at me like I’m a tornado that’s crashed through their kitchen wall.

“Dutch Wonderland!”

“Oh, wow, Holly! In Holland?” My mom dabs the corner of her mouth with her napkin.

“Ergh, well, no. In Lancaster, Pennsylvania.”

“Are they paying you?” My dad asks.

“Ugh, well, no on that one too. But it’s an opportunity to build my portfolio. I’ll go next Wednesday for a couple of days.”

“That’s great, honey!” My mom sounds genuinely excited. It’s been less than a week but in that week, my parents and I have created something new between us. It’s not that they love my life choices, but they respect them. They’ve seen me working from morning until night, creating a website and applying to every single content job I can find. Eventually, I showed them my pictures. Well, the ones without any nudity or lewd sex acts. It went so much better than I could have ever imagined. They were amazed by some of the places I’ve seen. My dad even asked me some questions, and I caught him googling the history of Cambodia after being particularly moved by the album from my travels there.

Coming back under this roof, I expected the worst from them. And I had a reason to expect that. But it’s turned out to be one of the best things for our relationship we’ve ever done.

I can’t quite say the same for my social life, though. Most of the people here have given up on this Satan-worshipper, which is what I’m pretty sure they call me behind my back. And all they know is that I stopped coming to church. If they only knew what I was up to on Christmas day.

Normally, that wouldn’t bother me, but it’s New Year’s Eve today and I want a distraction from the fact that I won’t be with Klaus, Kris, and Nick. I even texted them today and I haven’t heard back, which is not like them at all.

I check my phone for the millionth time.


Our doorbell sounds. Probably a package or something. I signal for my parents to not get up from lunch, “I got it.”

I swing the door wide open, ready to sign quickly, and retreat away from the cold outside air. Instead, my jaw drops open and I just stare.

Three handsome faces are framed by soft luxurious scarves layered on perfectly fitted wool coats.

Klaus, Kris, and Nick are standing on the doorstep of my childhood home. The icy breeze whips in and my brain short-circuits.

“Are you really here?” I finally stutter.

Klaus grins big. “Come here, wifey.” He opens his arms out wide and that’s all it takes to jump right into them.

I haven’t even gotten changed from my flannel pajamas today. I woke up and was glued to my computer working with no breaks until I came down to talk to my parents. I’m a mess. I run my hands through my hair when Klaus sets me down and I look back nervously.

“I would invite you in, but…” My heart races at the thought of my dad coming to the front door right now. We’ve made so much progress. The thought of it all being destroyed in a minute breaks my heart. But at the same time, I knew I was going to have to tell him eventually. I’ve barely gone a few hours without talking to them and I’ve realized that they didn’t see our time together as a one-time thing either. So it was only a matter of time until I had to explain to my parents who these mystery men are. But, how?

“It’s okay, baby.” Nick pulls me in for a hug. “We talked to your dad. How do you think we found your house?”

“I’m sorry, what?” I thought I couldn’t be any more surprised.

“You must be Klaus, Kris, and Nick.” My dad’s voice sounds from behind me, and I instinctively stiffen.

All I can do is look at him with my mouth agape as he comes and shakes each of their hands. Finally, he turns to me. My dad runs his hands through his hair uncomfortably.

“Listen, Holly. I don’t really know how to say this, but…” He clears his throat. “When you were gone, we really missed you. I don’t want to lose you again. Whatever you do, your life is yours to live. I really respected that these gentlemen reached out to me to surprise you because that means they want to include us in your life.”
