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Man, I miss them already though. My soul misses their playfulness. And well, my body misses their playfulness too.

I shoot a text to our new group chat over the complimentary first-class Wi-Fi. They’ve boarded their plane too by now.

Holly: Why does Texas have to be so far away from Wisconsin?

Nick: We’re working on lobbying to change that.

Holly: How soon can you make it happen?

Kris: Not before we show up at your door, desperate to see you.

Holly: My dad would lose his mind.

Klaus: We’re your daddies now.

I laugh out loud at the last text. Klaus took my compliment about them having the whole “daddy-thing” going on and has run a damn marathon with it. Ugh, I miss that devious smile.

Forget about them being my white knights in another reality. They’re my white knights in this reality, too. I’m just no princess.

After the most luxurious flight of my life, it’s time to face my real life. It’s strange to be back in the U.S. I’ve become so used to having to struggle with signs and directions, that having everything familiar and in English feels almost too easy. After going through customs, I’m ready to exit the terminal and meet my parents which is when the easy part ends.

People wait with signs and smiles for their loved ones. I tear up. It’s not because I know my parents would never do something like that. It has nothing to do with them. I tear up because I’ve always wondered what kind of person does that, and now I have the answer. Kris, Klaus, and Nick would. They exude so much love and excitement that if it were them waiting for me, then they would have balloons and signs and probably start singing a song for my arrival. I love that about them.

I get a text. Hopeful that it’s from a sexy older man, I check it right away. Ew, nope. It’s my dad with cold and straightforward instructions about where to go to be picked up.

I exit the airport into the freezing Chicago air. I hurry along until I find my dad’s familiar black truck. He’s waiting behind the wheel and doesn’t get out, so I open the back door, swing my backpack in and hop in the front.

“Hi!” I attempt a friendly smile.

“Good flight?” He barely looks at me as he puts his turn signal on and pulls out.

“Fantastic flight.” I smile. Because it’s true and I can’t be deflated so easily after what I just experienced. But that’s about as riveting as our conversation gets for the entire trip back.

When I get home, my mom is already asleep. I’m restless being in my old childhood room. It’s a far cry from a French Alps chalet. But that’s not the issue. I pace around the room, looking at the sparse decorations and lack of pictures. I’m uncomfortable being back because I was so unhappy here. It’s just so obvious.

I shake my head. None of that matters. The past is in the past. I’m ready to make the future I want for myself.

I take the laptop that my sexy Santas got me and place it on my desk. I’m not wasting one second. I’m ready to start chasing after what I want.

The pictures that we took at the chalet pop up on the screen when I finish uploading my memory card.

I click through them. Klaus’ rock-hard cock in his hand as he looks right at me. Kris towering over me as I look up at him, hungry and ready. Nick pulling my hair from behind as I grasp onto the fireplace.


I’m going to need to revise that former statement about not wasting one second. I slip my hands down the waistband of my pants and fall into bed with my laptop.

Conveniently, my touch is quite efficient. It doesn’t take long with the memory of them so recent on my body. When I’m done, I compile the photos in a file on the cloud and send the link to our chat. I get a response almost immediately.

Klaus: Happy Box Day to us!

Holly: Isn’t it Boxing Day?

Klaus: For us, now it shall forever be Box Day. Thanks for that Holly Holiday.

Nick: We miss you, wifey.

Kris: Now hurry up on making your dreams come true. We’re waiting…
