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“You can’t hold out on us now.” Kris gently places his hand on mine in friendly encouragement. I haven’t touched a drop of the champagne on our table, but I feel buzzed from their attention. I try to tamper the mischievous grin spreading on my lips.

“And one thing, uh, well, sinful. ”

Their attention is locked on me at this little confession. I shrug. “Best is if I can knock all three things out at once. I call it my Christmas crazies. Well, in my head. And now to all of you.” I close my mouth to force myself to stop talking.

A beat passes before Nick speaks up. “Well, Holly Holiday.” He steeples his hands below his chin. “We also have our own little Christmas tradition. And it sounds like it lines up just perfectly with yours. How many hours until your flight?”

“Two,” I say, a bit deflated. I suddenly would be okay with this evening spreading out forever.

Nick lifts his champagne glass. “Well, then…”

Klaus and Kris raise their glasses to his.

“Cheers to making these next two hours so memorable that Christmas becomes Holly’s new favorite day of the year.” Nick practically sings the words.

And of course, I can toast to that.



Any weariness I had from my long travel day has melted and turned into giddy excitement. I’ve been traveling around the world for two years. I’ve scoured the planet for adrenaline rushes and dreamscape views to take photos of. But the company at this table is thrilling in a different way. These three men feel so alive. And it makes me want to be more alive right alongside them.

“So tell us, Holly Holiday.” Klaus’ intense eyes burn into me. “What made you want to travel the world? And give us the real answer, not the polite version.”

I let the bubbles of the champagne pop on my tongue while I think about the question.

“Well, the real answer is to get the hell away.” I laugh. “I grew up in a small town with parents who wanted me to be as small as possible, too. I was working as a bank teller, which was fine. But one day, I looked at my savings. I had saved up a lot of money by basically having no life. I thought to myself that I should buy something to make me happy. But not one single thing came to mind that made me happy. There’s only so many clothes and vibrators a girl can get to feel something.” I stop and wince, realizing I just said the word vibrator to a group of gentlemen at an expensive dinner.

“No politeness, remember? Go on.” Klaus grins as he takes a sip of whiskey.

“Yeah, well, vibrators aside, there was this beach I always saw a picture of on social media. With an arched rock and crystal clear blue waters. The picture made me feel something finally after years of… well, nothingness.” I shrug. “So, after a lot of yelling from my parents and selling all my belongings for a camera and a plane ticket, the rest is history.”

I withhold the final chapter of that story. The one that I’m currently in the middle of where I run out of savings and fly home with my tail tucked between my legs.

“That is a story.” Klaus nods. “For most people, it takes something awful happening in their lives to pursue what they want. You’re lucky you figured it out so young.”

I laugh. “Well, at age 26, I’m not exactly the youngest person in the hostels I’m staying at. I wish I had been brave enough sooner.”

“You’re ahead of us. It took us until a few years ago to figure it out.” I notice a hint of sadness in Nick’s cheerful eyes. It’s the first hint of anything other than joy since I met them.

“I take it Klaus was speaking from experience about something awful happening?” I say it before I can censor myself. “Crap. I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“You shared your story. It’s only fair to be curious about ours.” Nick smiles gently. “Plus, it’s a nice change of pace to have someone speak plainly.” Then he sighs. “But this will be the one and only mention of it. We all met at a support group seven years ago for grieving widowers. When Christmas came around, the three of us were such miserable bastards that we made a pact. Our names were a sign that we would spend every Christmas together and make it epic.”

“We call it FILIS Navidad.” Kris offers. “Filis meaning ‘Fuck it. Life is short.’”

What a rollercoaster of emotions. I want to cry and laugh all in the same breath.

“I’m so sorry,” I say softly, and I mean it. I can tell by their faces they still feel their losses deeply.

“No apologizing to us. That’s the end of this conversation. From now on, it’s only a Fuck It Life Is Short attitude.” Klaus says in command. “It’s what we need.”

“Yes, sir.” I nod with exaggeration.

“And more of calling me sir, please.” Klaus’ eyebrows raise and heat trickles down my spine. My body is suddenly very aware that I’ve never been with a man older than me. In fact, my body is screaming that I’ve barely been with anyone that warrants much reaction at all. Going from a sheltered small town to traveling in budget hostels overflowing with drunk college kids has left my body mad at me for my choice of bedmates. And lack thereof.

“So you’re a photographer then?” Kris breaks me out of my reverie.
