Page 9 of Lustre Lost

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That’s a little odd.It’s not usually packed, but today there isn’t another soul around. It should be sunset, but the sky is getting darker, and not in the pretty twilight kind of way. In the giant thunderstorm kind of way.


The fireflies are out, already drifting over the lake, buoyed by the wind that has picked up. They flicker like little candles as darkness descends. They aren’t stars, but I still send out a little wish, hoping above all else that this will turn out all right.

“Come on Lustre Lake magic!” I yell in frustration. Maybe the lake goddess or some forest fairy will come to my aid? A dainty snort leaves me as soon as that thought flits through my head. I know Blyth will send out Search and Rescue soon, but I didn’t think I would actually need the help. Why, oh why, did I come up with this stupid plan?

Shivers course through my body as the dampness from the ground underneath me soaks through my clothing and the temperature starts to drop.

What have I done?

Looking around, I try to gauge how long my leg has been trapped in this log. The sky has darkened, but I can’t see any stars. My eyes sting from all the tears I’ve shed and my teeth chatter uncontrollably.

“Serves me right, if I die here of my own stupidity,” I mutter to myself.

“If he actually liked you Tilly, then he would have asked you out. It’s not like he hasn’t had plenty of opportunities. No Moon Magic is going to change that, idiot.” I rant on.

Something cold and wet drops onto my face. Well, great—did that feathered monstrosity shit on me? That would be just freaking spectacular. Moments later, another splatter, but this time on my neck. I glance down, noticing a few little wet spots dotting my clothing. Rain.

Well, this situation just went from bad to worse. Awesome.

A rustling sound from the underbrush has me whipping my head to the right. There are plenty of predators in these woods and, with the way today is going, I wouldn’t be shocked to see a bear or wolf pop out. Fangs bared, saliva dripping, ready to eat the moron with their foot caught in a blasted log.

The leaves closest to me shift, and shake…

Thump. Thump. Thump.My heart is pounding in my ears.

Brown eyes and a little twitching snout appear, followed by a long, wriggling, fluffy red body.

“Hot Dog,” I whisper as relief crashes over me. Twisting, I reach toward my miniature savior. A sharp stab of pain shoots up my leg, spots dance across my vision.

Suddenly, everything goes black.

Chapter Five


Mybodyistaughtand my hands are shaking. Usually, during rescues, I am sharp and focused, but today I am a trainwreck. Tilly is out here, in danger, and every second that I spend looking for her is agonizing. My mind spins with scenarios, injuries, predators, and even death.


I have been keeping her at arm’s length for so long, knowing that I don’t deserve her, but losing her…

I push that thought back down where it belongs, and pay attention to Hot Dog. He is sniffing at the path and from his steady pace I can tell he is clearly on her scent. Hot Dog has one of the very best noses in the country; we haven’t had many instances where we were unable to locate our targets. I am hoping Tilly didn’t go in any water though; that always makes it harder, diluting the trail.

Hot Dog’s ears perk up and he glances back at me.

“Yep, I’m with you buddy,” I nod at him and he begins to move faster, indicating that the scent is getting stronger.

Suddenly, he stops and lets out a gentle woof. He is asking if it is safe to leave the trail because that is where Tilly’s scent goes.

“All good. FIND HER,” I release him from his harness and he darts quickly into the underbrush. I follow as closely as I can, but he’s fast and small. I quickly lose sight of him. That’s okay, he will alert when he finds her.

Quieting my footsteps, softly stepping, I strain my ears, hoping to hear the sounds of my dog reuniting with our favorite baker. Breathing in deeply, I can smell the pine surrounding me and a hint of rain in the air.Please find her.

Suddenly, a bunch of little yips erupt.

I try to follow the sound, but the forest makes it difficult, so I whistle. Moments later Hot Dog emerges and grabs my jeans between his little jaws. He tugs at my pant leg, urging me to move faster as he leads me to Tilly.
