Page 10 of Lustre Lost

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As soon as she is in sight, he rushes off and begins licking her face—but there is no response. No sweet giggle of welcome, no smiling eyes staring up at me.

“Tilly!” I shout, hastening to her side. She is covered in dirt and grime; her dark hair is knotted and splayed around her with leaves stuck throughout, but my biggest concern is her lips. They have a bluish tinge. I quickly check her pulse and breathing. Thankfully, both are normal, but her skin feels like ice. Reaching into my SAR bag, I pull out an aluminum blanket. Using my teeth, I rip open the package, listening to it crinkle as I gently cover her. It will help her warm up as I search for other wounds.

“Drew?” Tilly whimpers as her eyes flutter open.

Her voice reaches my ear, and breath rushes into my lungs. The soft cry is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I have no idea what I would have done if she hadn’t been okay. All of the love I have tried so hard to keep at bay rises and overtakes my senses.

Unable to hold myself back for another second, I gently cup her face and crash my mouth down against hers. Sliding my tongue slowly across the seam of her mouth until she opens for me. I groan at my first-ever taste of her; it’s better than I could have ever imagined. Tilly reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair, pulling me deeper into our kiss.

I am completely lost to her. Her taste, her touch; she is everything.

My hand falls to her tiny waist, wanting to slip under the hem of her shirt, but instead, I fist the blanket, feeling it crunch.

Shit, I am such an asshole. Here she is, injured and freezing, yet all I can do is maul her.Great job, Drew.

I gently pull away and see the confusion in her chocolate-brown eyes. Unable to stop myself, I swoop down and drop another quick peck on her lips.

“I’m not nearly done with you. But we better get you out of this predicament before that storm rolls in,” I reassure. Slowly running my thumb across her plump lower lip, I notice it returning to its rosy color. She quirks them up in a big smile. Tilly is my light, even in the dark.

“What hurts, Sunshine?” I ask, moving down her body, prodding gently to find the source of her injury.

“That,” she cries out as I press on her knee. It is twisted at a strange angle, causing pain to radiate up and down her leg.

Tilly sniffs as tears pool in her eyes and I know I need to work faster. I can’t stand seeing her in pain.

“I’m sorry I was so stupid,” she whispers, the desolation in her tone pulling directly on my heart. Hot Dog must hear it too, because he hops up on her chest, snuggling in. She gives a little hiccup that cracks my walls further, as she lifts her hand to stroke his fur. I never thought I would feel jealous of a dog—but well, here we are.

“Hey, don’t talk that way; it was an accident,” I say gruffly. Trailing my finger slowly down her leg, I come to the place where her foot is stuck. Barely able to see through the inky darkness, I pull my flashlight out of my SAR bag.

I lean in, trying to get a closer look, just as I feel raindrops land on the back of my neck.

Time’s up.

“Hey Sunshine, it looks like that storm is rolling in pretty quick. I need to use a saw to cut your foot out of this log, okay?”

She gives me a small nod. “I trust you, Drew, do whatever you need to.”

She shouldn’t trust me. Everything I touch turns to shit. Thoughts of my SEAL team flicker through my mind.No. Not now.

Shaking my head, I turn back to the task at hand. The little saw from my bag feels heavy in my hand as I cut away at the wood. I need to do this quickly but also don’t want to risk causing Tilly further pain. A small chunk of the log pops off, giving me a better angle. Back and forth I move the saw, careful not to jostle her leg. Her jaw is tight as I work. Please don’t let me be hurting her. As I pull off another piece, her ankle comes into view. There is a lot of dirt and possibly a little blood.

Worry forms a pit in my stomach. What if the bone is broken? What if her hip is dislocated? What if she already has an infection setting in?

Taking a deep breath, I clamp down on my intrusive thoughts. Thunder rumbles overhead and a bolt of lightning turns the sky an eerie blue. The rain falls faster and faster. A small stream is forming around the gnarled roots of the nearby trees. This area could flash flood at any moment.

Out of time, I do the only thing I can think of; using my bare hands, I tear a weak chunk out of the log and slide Tilly’s foot out as gently as possible, cringing when I hear her gasp in pain.

“I’m sorry, we need to get out of here…Do you think you can stand?” I ask, reaching under her arms and helping her to her feet. My fingers graze the soft swell of her plump, round breast and my cock hardens. The fucker begins throbbing, pulling my focus from the task at hand.

“Yes, I’m actually feeling a lot better already,” she squeaks, trying to be brave, but I see her wincing as she puts weight on her injured ankle. Tears well in her eyes again, and I can’t stand by and watch her struggle. Nope, never gonna happen.

I scoop up Hot Dog and place him in her arms.

“Hold tight, Sunshine,” I say, swinging her up in order to carry her bride-style down the mountain.

“Drew, really, I can walk. I’m too heavy to carry like this.” She objects.

“Say something like that again and I will bend you over the hood of my truck and spank your ass when we get down to it,” I grit, giving her a little warning squeeze. I feel her tremble and I can’t tell whether she is chilled to the bone or turned on. Hopefully the latter.
