Page 12 of Lustre Blanketed

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“Who’s that?” he asks and I want to reach through the phone and punch him.

“She’s a rich princess, a model with no damn brain, Slater-fucking- Sully’s little sister—and she says Tilly rented the cabin to her.” My frustration is helping to heat my body, but even as I rage on, I know I’m going to need to go back inside soon. There’s muttering on the other side of the phone as Drew talks to Tilly, but it doesn’t even matter who screwed this up because Sloane and I are stuck together for the duration.

“Okay, yeah, shit, sorry. I didn’t know. There are a few cabins up there and I guess she booked that one for two weeks; until after Christmas. You’re going to have to just make the best of it,” he says apologetically.

“Yeah, hopefully, I’ll be able to dig out tomorrow and get to a different cabin or something,” I reply; although my heart spasms, uncomfortable at the idea of leaving her here by herself.No, it’s not about her. You don’t want to shovel all that snow.

“It’ll probably be a few days. This storm’s a big one,” he replies, and the tightness in my chest relaxes.

“I’ll keep you updated,” I reply tersely. My legs are stiffening and it’s time to go back inside.

“Yup. Talk soon,” he promises, and the phone clicks in my ear, signaling that he’s hung up. Sliding it into my pocket, I grab a few pieces of wood for the fire and head back inside.

Sloane’s head whips around as I walk in the door—her long braid floating behind her as she saunters over to me. Holding her arms out, she reaches for the woodpile and I drop it none too gently. She flexes under the weight but, to my surprise, she doesn’t drop it or complain; she just walks over and sets it next to the fireplace.

“My brother called and while I was on the phone with him I realized something…” she trails off. Fire burns in my veins at the mention of Slater-fucking-Sully and I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Revenge. I need revenge.

“Oh yeah? What’s Big Brother’s all-important revelation?” I snap as I pull off my boots and coat. It comes out harsher than I mean it to and her jaw flexes, annoyed with my tone.You’re no one’s princess here, baby.

“There’s only one bed.” She drops that little bomb and then proceeds to sit on it; staring me down, eyes glinting with challenge. My throat goes dry just thinking about the way she felt pressed up against me earlier. One bed doesn’t seem like a problem to me, it feels more like a promise.

“Guess we’re sharing then,” I say, smirking at her.

“A gentleman would take the couch,” she shoots back at me, tone laced with venom.

“I’m no gentleman,” I retort; amused when a little wrinkle appears on her brow as she scrunches her nose. Cute. Fucking cute. But I can’t feel that way. She’s my perfect payback.

“Maybe you should try to be. Might have kept your girlfriend from sleeping with the entire Olympic Village,” she hisses at me like an angry kitten.

“Going for the low blows. I would expect nothing less of a Sully.” I glower at her but find myself surprised at how little I care about Sammy anymore. Her name meant nothing to me, calling forth not a single ounce of emotion.

“Nope. You didn’t pay to be here, so I get the bed and you get the couch. That’s the end of the story,” she says, incensed.

“That couch is too small and I need to be ready to go on a rescue at a moment’s notice. Since you’re utterly useless, you can take the couch or share the bed like a big girl. It’s your decision, but either way, I’m going to sprawl across that bed to my heart’s content, and you can’t do anything about it. Your money and your privilege don’t mean shit here.” I prowl around the room, grabbing my things to take a shower, amused as her mouth opens and closes like an incensed fish.

“You’re such an asshole. Stick to your side,” she finally says, climbing in and beginning to line pillows down the middle of the bed.

A bark of laughter escapes me. What makes her think a few pillows could possibly stop me?

“You have nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t touch you if you begged for it. I’m going to take a shower. Just a quick one though, no happy ending for me,” I toss out and watch her cheeks turn pink as I disappear through the door.

I rush through my shower, ready to go out and spar with her some more. But when I emerge she’s already sound asleep, her braid gone and thick auburn hair spreads wildly across the pillow. Her sexy leg wraps around one of our great barrier pillows, causing her ass to peek out below silky black shorts. Her smooth skin beckons me, making me long to touch her, run my hand up her calf, over her shapely thigh, and grab handfuls of her round ass. A truly wicked idea forms in my mind.

Grabbing my phone from the couch, I wander back toward the bed and snap a few pictures. They look even more suggestive than I thought they would. Before I can think better of it, I open up Slater’s contact on my phone, attach all the photos and the recording of her moaning my name in the shower earlier;


I hope you enjoyed Sammy as much as I’m enjoying your sister.

Wonder what else I could do with these pictures…

Three bubbles pop up and then quickly disappear; instead, her screen lights up with an incoming call from ‘Booger Face’. I think not. I grab the device and ignore the call, noticing that she only has 2% battery—I unplug it.

Looks like someone’s phone will be dead by morning.

With a dark chuckle, I climb into bed.

Chapter Eight
